35: The Relationship Between Biomass and Volume of Bacteria.
Text of Note
Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; CONTRIBUTOR LIST; Table of Contents; Introduction; Section I: Isolation of Living Cells; 1: Isolation and Enumeraton of Anaerobic and Microaerophilic Bacteria in Aquatic Habitats; 2: Isolation and Cultivation of Hyperthermophilic Bacteria from Marine and Freshwater Habitats; 3: Isolation of Psychrophilic Bacteria; 4: Isolation and Characterization of Bactériocytes from a Bivalve-Sulfur Bacterium Symbiosis; 5: General Techniques for the Isolation and Culture of Marine Protists from Estuarine, Littoral, Psammolittoral, and Sublittoral Waters.
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21: Use of High-Resolution Flow Cytometry to Determine the Activity and Distribution of Aquatic Bacteria22: Phytoplankton Analysis Using Flow Cytometry; 23: Enumeration of Phototrophic Pi coplankton by Auto fluorescence Microscopy; 24: Estimating Cell Concentration and Biomass of Autotrophic Plankton Using Microscopy; 25: Preservation and Storage of Samples for Enumeration of Heterotrophic Protists; 26: Staining of Heterotrophic Protists for Visualization via Epifluorescence Microscopy; 27: A Quantitative Protargol Slain (QPS) for Ciliates and Other Protists.
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28: Preparation of Pelagic Protists for Electron Microscopy29: A Rapid Technique for the Taxonomy of Methanogenic Bacteria: Comparison of the Methylreductase Subunits; 30: Extraction of DNA from Soils and Sediments; 31: Detecting Gene Sequences Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction; 32: Quantitative Description of Microbial Communities Using Lipid Analysis; 33: Single Cell Identification Using Fluorescently Labeled, Ribosomal RNA-Specific Probes; 34: Immunofluorescence Method for the Detection and Characterization of Marine Microbes; Section III: Biomass.
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6: Long-Term Culture of Marine Benthic Protists7: Behavior and Bioenergetics of Anaerobic and Microaerobic Protists; 8: Culturing Free-Living Marine Phagotrophic Dinoflagellates; 9: Enrichment, Isolation, and Culture of Free-Living Heterotrophic Flagellates; 10: Determination of Pressure Effects on Flagellates Isolated from Surface Waters; 11: Isolation, Cloning, and Axetiic Cultivation of Marine Ciliates; 12: Isolation and Laboratory Culture of Marine Oligotrichous Ciliates; 13: Extraction of Protists in Aquatic Sediments via Density Gradient Centrifugation.
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Section II: Identification, Enumeration, and Diversity14: Statistical Analysis of Direct Counts of Microbial Abundance; 15: Enumeration and Isolation of Viruses; 16: Total Count of Viruses in Aquatic Environments; 17: Improved Sample Preparation for Enumeration of Aggregated Aquatic Substrate Bacteria; 18: Direct Estimates of Bacterial Numbers in Seawater Samples Without Incurring Cell Loss Due to Sample Storage; 19: Total and Specific Bacterial Counts by Simultaneous Staining with DAPI and Fluorochrome-Labe led Antibodies; 20: Use of RFLPs for the Comparison of Marine Cyanobacteria.
Handbook of Methods in Aquatic Microbial Ecology.
International Standard Book Number
Microbial ecology-- Methodology, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Water-- Microbiology-- Methodology, Handbooks, manuals, etc.