Cover; Original Title; Title; Copyright; Contents; PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION; FOREWORD; Introduction; 1. What is Logical Syntax?; 2. Languages as Calculi; PART I. THE DEFINITE LANGUAGE I; A. Rules of Formation for Language I; 3. Predicates and Functors; 4. Syntactical Gothic Symbols; 5. The Junction Symbols; 6. Universal and Existential Sentences; 7. The K-Operator; 8. The Definitions; 9. Sentences and Numerical Expressions; B. Rules of Transformation for Language I; 10. General Remarks Concerning Transformation Rules; 11. The Primitive Sentences of Language I.
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12. The Rules of Inference of Language I 13. Derivations and Proofs in Language I; 14. Rules of Consequence for Language I; C. Remarks on the Definite Form of Language; 15. Definite and Indefinite; 16. On Intuitionism; 16a. Identity; 17. The Principle of Tolerance in Syntax; PART II. THE FORMAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYNTAX OF LANGUAGE I; 18. The Syntax of I can be Formulated in I; 19. The Arithmetization of Syntax; 20. General Terms; 21. Rules of Formation: 1. Numerical Expressions and Sentences; 22. Rules of Formation: 2. Definitions; 23. Rules of Transformation.
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24. Descriptive Syntax 25. Arithmetical, Axiomatic, and Physical Syntax; PART III. THE INDEFINITE LANGUAGE II; A. Rules of Formation for Language II; 26. The Symbolic Apparatus of Language II; 27. The Classification of Types; 28. Formation Rules for Numerical Expressions and Sentences; 29. Formation Rules for Definitions; B. Rules of Transformation for Language II; 30. The Primitive Sentences of Language II; 31. The Rules of Inference of Language II; 32. Derivations and Proofs in Language II.
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33. Comparison of the Primitive Sentences and Rules of II with those of other SystemsC. Rules of Consequence for Language II; 34a. Incomplete and Complete Criteria of Validity; 34b. Reduction; 34c. Evaluation; 34d. Definition of Analytic in II' and 'Contradictory in II'; 34e. On Analytic and Contradictory Sentences of Language II; 34f. Consequence in Language II; 34g. Logical Content; 34h. The Principles of Induction and Selection are Analytic; 34i. Language II is Non-Contradictory; 35. Syntactical Sentences which Refer to Themselves; 36. Irresoluble Sentences.
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D. Further Development of Language II 37. Predicates as Class-Symbols; 38. The Elimination of Classes; 38a. On Existence Assumptions in Logic; 38b. Cardinal Numbers; 38c. Descriptions; 39. Real Numbers; 40. The Language of Physics; PART IV. GENERAL SYNTAX; A. Object-Language and Syntax-Language; 41. On Syntactical Designations; 42. On the Necessity of Distinguishing between an Expression and its Designation; 43. On the Admissibility of Indefinite Terms; 44. On the Admissibility of Impredicative Terms; 45. Indefinite Terms in Syntax; B. The Syntax of any Language.
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First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Logical Syntax of Language.
International Standard Book Number
Grammar, Comparative and general-- Syntax.
Grammar, Comparative and general-- Syntax.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- Historical & Comparative.