Cracks in the American dream -- A primer on household wealth -- Pathways to wealth accumulation -- Recognizing our past -- Evidence of wealth privilege -- Three views of the American dream -- Resilience and wealth privilege -- The spiral of privilege and policy -- The white plutocracy system -- Appendix A: The Gini coefficient -- Appendix B: Discussion of Asian or other household experience as suggested by the SCF evidence -- Appendix C: Logit regression: which households increased net worth between 2007 and 2009? -- Appendix D: Methodology for estimating distributional shares of tax expenditures.
Text of Note
"The Privileges of Wealth investigates the impact of the rising concentration of wealth. It describes how households accumulate wealth along three pathways: household saving, appreciation of assets, and family gifts and inheritances. In addition, federal wealth policies, in the form of assorted tax deductions and credits, act as a fourth pathway that favors wealthy households. For those with means, each pathway operates as a virtuous cycle enabling families to build wealth with increasing ease. For those without, these same pathways are experienced as vicious cycles. The issue of wealth privilege is even more pronounced when examining the racial wealth gap. Typically, White households own ten times the wealth of Black or Latino families. This chasm results from the durability and transferability of wealth across generations and serves as a persistent legacy of our history of racial enslavement, expropriation, and exclusion. Current policies favoring the wealthy are simply cementing these wealth disparities. This book explains how these sources of wealth privilege are systemic features of our economy and the basis of rising disparities."--Provided by publisher.
Umschulungswerkstätten für Siedler und Auswanderer, Bitterfeld