The imperfect: description and background -- The preterite: narration, or, what happened? -- The imperfect and the preterite together: narrating and describing in the past -- The present perfect: what have you done for me lately? -- The pluperfect: what happened before something else? -- The conditional: what would be and the future of the past -- The conditional perfect: what would have been -- The sequence of tenses: observations on the indicative and the subjunctive.
Text of Note
"Learning the past-tense can be one of the most frustrating aspects of Spanish grammar, but it is also one of the most important for being understood and understanding what others say. By adding the Spanish past-tense verbs to your range of language skills, you will open up a whole new world of communication. Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Past-Tense Verbs Up Close has established itself as the most effective resource for intermediate and advanced learners. Its clear explanations cut through what is often presented in an over complicated or incorrect way, while its exercises provide numerous opportunities for practice that will help you understand the nuances of this challenging grammar element."--Page 4 of cover.
Spanish language-- Tense.
Spanish language-- Verb.
Spanish language, Problems, exercises, etc.
Spanish language, Textbooks for foreign speakers-- English.