A Marxist Histroy of Captalism- Front Cover; A Marxist Histroy of Captalism; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Note; Bibliography; Introduction; The accumulation of capital; The rise of the working class; Class war; The working class now; Wage labour, slavery and serfdom; Absolute and relative exploitation; Against Brenner; Eurocentrism opposed; Capitalism and revolution; The current crisis; Note; Bibliography; Chapter 1: Merchant capitalism; Introduction; Beginnings; Consumption versus accumulation; Late medieval crisis; Primitive accumulation; Free labour; The world market
Text of Note
Monopoly capitalismWorld Wars 1914-45; World War II (1939-45); Post-45 class compromise; Global class struggle (1959-80); Neoliberalism; Note; Bibliography; Chapter 4: Neoliberalism (1980-2018); Neoliberalism in theory; Globalization of finance; The global ruling class and the state; The new regime: winners and losers; Instability and inequality; The crisis of 2008; Capitalism in crisis; Imperialist rivalry; Ruling class strategies; Stagnation; General crisis; Breakdown; Alienation; Decline; Bibliography; Chapter 5: Towards socialism; Revolution; Revolutionary possibilities
Text of Note
The crisis this timeThe meaning of Trump; Imagining revolution; The end of capitalist growth; The socialist economy; Workplace democracy; Socialist environmentalism; Running on empty; Planning the population; The built environment transformed; The peasantry restored; The case for market socialism; The limits of the market; The information problem; The general intellect; The return of Lenin; Bibliography; Index
Text of Note
Uneven developmentMerchant capitalism (1500-1760); State and capitalism; Religion, sexuality and family; Early modern revolutions; Uneven development; Colonialism; Nature insulted; Popular revolts; Bibliography; Chapter 2: The political economy of capitalist transition; Brenner's achievement; The positivism of Brenner; Continental capitalism; Global perspectives; Money; Note; Bibliography; Chapter 3: Ascendant capitalism (1789-1980); The French Revolution; Slavery; Anti-slavery; The Industrial Revolution and the making of the working class; Revolutions; Marx; Capitalism in its maturity