Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgment; Contributors; 1. Neuroanatomy: Age-related changes; Introduction; The aging brain; The spine; Conclusion; References; 2. Neurophysiology: Age-related changes; Introduction; Intracranial components and Monro-Kellie doctrine; Monitoring of intracranial pressure; Cerebral blood flow; Cerebral autoregulation; References; 3. Neuropharmacology: Age-related changes; Introduction; General concepts of geriatric pharmacotherapy; Principles of pharmacokinetics in older adults
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Clinical anatomy and relationships of the pituitary glandPathology; Clinical presentation of pituitary tumors with aging; Indications for surgery in elderly patients; Anesthetic management; Emergence from anesthesia; Postoperative management; Postoperative analgesia; Conclusion; References; 9. Neurosurgery: Spine surgery; Introduction; Common problems for which spine surgeries are performed in geriatric population; Preoperative assessment; Antiplatelet drugs; Preoperative investigations; Premedication; Type of anesthesia; Regional anesthesia in spine surgery; Postoperative care; References
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Posterior fossa lesions and their presenting features in elderlyAnesthetic considerations during posterior fossa craniotomy; Conclusion; References; 7. Neurosurgery: Cerebrovascular diseases; Introduction; Cause and risk factors; Aging, stroke, and silent cerebrovascular disease; Stroke presentation and diagnosis; Acute ischemic stroke; Hemorrhagic stroke; Surgical treatments for acute stroke complications; Subarachnoid hemorrhage; Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis; Main treatment principles; Conclusion; References; 8. Neurosurgery: Neuroendocrine lesions; Introduction
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Principles of pharmacodynamics in older adultsSpecific considerations of geriatric neuroanesthesia; Operative considerations; The ideal neuroanesthetic approach; Select neuroanesthetic agents and considerations in older adult patients; Volatile gases; Neuromuscular blocking agents; Postoperative cognitive dysfunction; Conclusions; References; 4. Preanesthetic evaluation; Introduction; Goals of preanesthetic evaluation; Patient-specific considerations; Indications for preoperative pulmonary testing; Evaluation of renal function; Frailty in elderly; Evaluation of cognitive function
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Spine surgeryDecisions regarding medications; Neurotrauma; Conclusion; References; 5. Neurosurgery: Supratentorial tumors; Introduction; Basic understanding of geriatric physiology; Functional neuroanatomy of the supratentorial region; Common supratentorial tumors in geriatric patients; Clinico-Pathological considerations; Neuroimaging of STTs; Pre-neurosurgical planning; Preoperative evaluation; Preoperative optimization; Anesthetic management; Neurointensive care management; Conclusion; References; 6. Neurosurgery: Posterior fossa surgery; Introduction; Relevant anatomy
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The book covers topics ranging from basic sciences (developmental changes in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology and effects of neuropharmacology) to special situations such as brain death, ethical issues and palliative care. It discusses various neurological surgical problems and their challenges along with common problems such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. A section on Pain covers all possible modalities for relieving pain in this patient population followed by the important issue of palliative care. The book addresses the issue of cognition decline, common in this group. The fact that basic sciences are included along with clinical sciences makes it a unique read for the audience.