Cover; Half Title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Introduction; Web Materials; 1 2D Distance Field Generation with the GPU Philip Rideout; 1.1 Vocabulary; 1.2 Manhattan Grassfire; 1.3 Horizontal-Vertical Erosion; 1.4 Saito-Toriwaki Scanning with OpenCL; 1.5 Signed Distance with Two Color Channels; 1.6 Distance Field Applications; Bibliography; 2 Order-Independent Transparency Using Per-Pixel Linked Lists Nicolas Thibieroz; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Algorithm Overview; 2.3 DirectX 11 Features Requisites; 2.4 Head Pointer and Nodes Bu ers; 2.5 Per-Pixel Linked List Creation
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2.6 Per-Pixel Linked Lists Traversal2.7 Multisampling Antialiasing Support; 2.8 Optimizations; 2.9 Tiling; 2.10 Conclusion; 2.11 Acknowledgments; Bibliography; 3 Simple and Fast Fluids Martin Guay, Fabrice Colin, and Richard Egli; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Fluid Modeling; 3.3 Solver's Algorithm; 3.4 Code; 3.5 Visualization; 3.6 Conclusion; Bibliography; 4 A Fast Poisson Solver for OpenCL Using Multigrid Methods Sebastien Noury, Samuel Boivin, and Olivier Le Maitre; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Poisson Equation and Finite Volume Method; 4.3 Iterative Methods; 4.4 Multigrid Methods (MG)
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4.5 OpenCL Implementation4.6 Benchmarks; 4.7 Discussion; Bibliography; 5 Volumetric Transparency with Per-Pixel Fragment Lists Laszlo Szecsi, Pal Barta, and Balazs Kovacs; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Light Transport Model; 5.3 Ray Decomposition; 5.4 Finding Intersections with Ray Casting; 5.5 Application for Particle System Rendering; 5.6 Finding Intersections with Rasterization; 5.7 Adding Surface Re ection; 5.8 Shadow Volumes; 5.9 Conclusion; Bibliography; 6 Practical Binary Surface and Solid Voxelization with Direct3D 11 Michael Schwarz; 6.1 Introduction
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6.2 Rasterization-Based Surface Voxelization6.3 Rasterization-Based Solid Voxelization; 6.4 Conservative Surface Voxelization with DirectCompute; 6.5 Solid Voxelization with DirectCompute; 6.6 Conclusion; Bibliography; 7 Interactive Ray Tracing Using the Compute Shader in DirectX 11 Arturo Garcia, Francisco Avila, Sergio Murguia, and Leo Reyes; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Ray Tracing; 7.3 Our Implementation; 7.4 Primary Rays Stage; 7.5 Intersection Stage; 7.6 Color Stage; 7.7 Multipass Approach; 7.8 Results and Discussion; 7.9 Optimization; 7.10 Conclusion; 7.11 Further Work; 7.12 Acknowledgments