Cover; Half Title; Dedication; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; List of plates; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Part I Rachmaninoff the Composer; 1 Rachmaninoff and Russian Musical History; Chronological Summary of Rachmaninoff's Principal Compositions; 2 Rachmaninoff's Composing Career and Musical Style; 3 Student Years, 1886-1892; 4 Free Artist, 1892-1897; 5 Moscow, 1897-1906; 6 Dresden, 1906-1909; 7 Ivanovka, 1909-1917; 8 New World, 1917-1943; Part II Rachmaninoff the Pianist; 9 Rachmaninoff's Career as a Pianist; 10 Concert Statistics; 11 Rachmaninoff's Art as a Pianist.
Text of Note
12 Piano Repertoire13 Rachmaninoff and the Gramophone; 14 Discography; 15 Rachmaninoff and the Reproducing Piano; Part Ill Rachmaninoff the Conductor; 16 Rachmaninoff's Career as a Conductor; 17 Conducting Repertoire; 18 Chronological List of Performances; Notes; Index of Rachmaninoff's Works; Index of Persons and of Works Referred to in the Text.
Text of Note
"This study is the first to consider all three of Rachmaninoff's careers in detail. After surveying his place in Russian musical history and his creative activity, the author examines, with musical examples, each working chronological order against the background of the composer's life. Among the the many subjects upon which new light is shed are the operas, the songs, and the religious music. Rachmaninoff's remarkable career as a pianist, his style of playing and repertoire are analysed along with his historically important contribution to the gramophone and his work for the reproducing piano. The book includes a survey of his activity as a conductor. There are extensive references to Russian sources and the first appearance of a complete Rachmaninoff disconography is included. This book is the only comprehensive study in any language of the three aspects of Rachmaninoff's musical career and is a stimulating read for music lovers everywhere."--Provided by publisher.