Online utilization for terrorist self-radicalization purposes / Richard A. Anderson -- Online radicalization : contested terms and conceptual clarity / Stuart Macdonald and Joe Whittaker -- The relationship between social media and radicalization / Cori E. Dauber and Kemal Ilter -- Rule-of-law and respect for human rights considerations / Omi Hodwitz -- How homegrown violent extremism will likely continue to evolve as a significant threat / Cori E. Dauber and Mark Robinson -- Counter-terrorism strategy from an extended global online level / Jose de Arimateia da Cruz -- Tools to study complexity in a the virtual world of counterterrorism lessons learned from the Stuxnet and Shamoon Viruses / Sheila R. Ronis -- Legislation specifically targeting the use of the internet to recruit terrorists / Tom Holt, Steven Chermak, and Joshua D. Freilich -- Legal restrictions and challenges for police and law enforcement authorities / Omi Hodwitz -- Web vulnerability based spear-phishing : a modern combination of tools in cyber terrorism / Emin Huseynov -- Investigations of terrorist cases involving the internet / Yannis A. Stivachtis and Allison Miller -- Terrorism recruitment and radicalization into the 21st century / James M. Smith and Maeghin Alarid -- Domestic terrorism and digital media : plannning in cyberspace / Kevin M. Fitzpatrick, David Woodring, Jeff Gruenewald, and Brent Smith -- Metaphors of radicalisation : a computational and qualitative analysis of Jihadi propaganda / Ben Miller, Weeda Mehran, Yassin Kosay Alsahlani, and Haroon Qahtan -- An information, motivation, and behavioral skills perspective on terrorist propaganda / Anthony F. Lemieux and Rebecca Wilson -- The relationship between personal data protection and use of information in order to fight online-terrorist propaganda, recruitment, and radicalization / Paolo Balboni and Milda Macenaite -- Online terrorist propaganda : strategic messaging employed by Al Qaeda and ISIS / Elena Pokalova -- Daesh's multimodal strategies of online propaganda / Carol K. Winkler and Jonathan Pieslak -- Supporting the authentication of digital evidence / Sarbari Gupta -- How is virtual planners in the dark web recruit, indoctrinate and inspire attacks in Europe And North America / Anthony Celso -- Monitoring and tracking ISIS on the dark web / William F. Gross -- ISIS and Russia : the use of threat for spreading of influence and ISIS future / Dmitry Shlapentokh -- Instruments and arrangements against online terrorism relating to international cooperation / Christian Leuprecht and Ali Dizboni -- Intelligence sharing among agencies and internationally / Jose de Arimateia da Cruz -- Role of prosecutors in online terrorism cases / Becky K. da Cruz -- A typology of public-private partnerships : how do you create a new e-mail and its implications for counterterrorism and cybersecurity? / Richard J. Chasdi -- Public-private partnerships and the private sectors role in countering the use of the internet for terrorist purposes / Yannis A. Stivachtis and Allison Miller
Text of Note
Online Terrorist Propaganda, Recruitment, and Radicalization is most complete treatment of the rapidly growing phenomenon of how terrorists' online presence is utilized for terrorism funding, communication, and recruitment purposes. The book offers an in-depth coverage of the history and development of online "footprints" to target new converts, broaden their messaging, and increase their influence. Chapters present the emergence of various groups; the advancement of terrorist groups' online presences; their utilization of video, chat room, and social media; and the current capability for propaganda, training, and recruitment. With contributions from leading experts in the field--including practitioners and terrorism researchers--the coverage moves from general factors to specific groups practices as relate to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and numerous other groups. Chapters also examine the lone wolf phenomenon as a part of the disturbing trend of self-radicalization. A functional, real-world approach is used regarding the classification of the means and methods by which an online presence is often utilized to promote and support acts of terrorism. Online Terrorist Propaganda, Recruitment, and Radicalization examines practical solutions in identifying the threat posed by terrorist propaganda and U.S. government efforts to counter it, with a particular focus on ISIS, the Dark Web, national and international measures to identify, thwart, and prosecute terrorist activities online. As such, it will be an invaluable resources for intelligence professionals, terrorism and counterterrorism professionals, those researching terrorism funding, and policy makers looking to restrict the spread of terrorism propaganda online
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Taylor & Francis
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Online terrorist propaganda, recruitment and radicalization.