Foundations of the focused genogram applications of attachment theory -- Attachment based focused genograms : the intersystem approach and applications of the attachment theory construct -- The clinical mind map : a visual perspective -- Foundations of therapeutic posture -- Therapeutic posture (txp): developing the collaborative therapeutic alliance -- My mothers, my fathers, my self: a self-of-the therapist project -- Applications in the four intersystem approach domains -- The individual domain: childhood attachment patterns, the internal models map, and identification of disorganized attachment bonds -- The couple domain: the couple interaction map, couple flow, and the interplay of attachment bonds -- The intergenerational domain: the family connections map -- The contextual domain: the social bonds ecomap -- The attachment based case formulation -- The evolving focused genograms -- The basic genogram: a comprehensive update with Markie L. C. Twist -- The addictions focused genogram : a companion for comprehensive clinical assessment with Markie L. C. Twist -- Appendix : Focused genograms questions -- Index.