Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of Figures; 1: Introduction; Prevalence of Violence Against Women and Children; About This Book; Background to the Project; Language and Black Women in the UK; Legal and Policy Framework; Key Concepts; Race, Racism, Culture, and Ethnicity; Racialised/Racialisation; Minoritised/Minoritisation; Violence and Abuse; Continuum of Violence; Victim-Survivors; Intersectionality; Help-Seeking; Controlling Images, Violence, and Abuse; Silence and the Strong Black Woman; Community, Service, and Family Responses to Violence and Abuse.
Text of Note
Silenced through fear, threats, and betrayal : a continuum of opposition -- Silenced, shamed, speaking out and the strong Black woman -- Silenced and out of place : feeling like a nugatory self -- Feeling through the silences, seeking support, and being "saved" -- Learning to hear the silences.
Text of Note
3: Silenced, Shamed, Speaking Out and the Strong Black WomanToughening of Self; Racialised Gendered Shame and the Strong Black Woman; Cacophonous Responses and Being Silenced; Liar-Liar: Sweep and Race It Under the Carpet; Wearing the Mask; References; 4: Silenced and Out of Place: Feeling Like a Nugatory Self; Feeling Intruded by Racialisation; Hair as a Bodily Site for Control; Hair Reveals and Conceals Race, Violence, and Abuse; Not Black Enough; References; 5: Feeling Through the Silences, Seeking Support, and Being 'Saved'; Serendipitous Routes.
Text of Note
Calling the Police and Involving Social ServicesBecoming a Self Through Counselling; Having a Faith; Visible Abuse Through Spiritual Readings; Looking Out for the Next Generation; Self in Everyday Spaces; References; 6: Learning to Hear the Silences; The Politics of Feeling in the Creation of Knowledge; Conclusions; Implications for Communities, Policy, and Practice; References; References; Index.
Text of Note
Ethnicity, Culture, Violence, and AbuseExploiting Poverty and Drowning Voices; Racial Loyalty, Body Devaluation and Decisions to Stay Silent; Finding a Voice and Seeking Support; References; 2: Silenced Through Fear, Threats, and Betrayal: A Continuum of Oppression; Racism in Lived Experiences; Migration, Intergenerational Trauma and Oppression; Feeling Displaced by Migration; Displacement Through Space; Feeling Unsafe and Silenced by Male Abusers; Strategically Observing Abusers' Patterns; Staying Silent for Safety; Physical and Emotional Abuse from Mothers; Telling in My Own Way; References.
Text of Note
This book presents an in-depth account of nine Black British women's experiences of violence and abuse. Through in depth interviews and analysis the author reveals their feelings of being silenced as children, women, Black women and as victims/survivors. Being silenced or staying silent about experiences of violence and abuse are key influences in how and when women access help and support and Kanyeredzi illuminates missed opportunities in how and when this help and support can and should be given. Based on women's descriptions of how they felt supported, listened to, yet 'unheard', chapters explore what professionals might face in the process of supporting Black women who access these services. The book contributes valuable understanding to the growing literature discussing challenges faced by minoritised women attempting to live full lives in the UK. It also includes images created as part of the project. This book is a useful resource for victims/survivors, students, researchers, clinical psychologists, counsellors, health professionals, social workers, educators and specialised violence support organisations.
Source for Acquisition/Subscription Address
Springer Nature
Stock Number
Race, culture and gender.
International Standard Book Number
Family violence-- Psychological aspects.
Victims of family violence.
Women, Black-- Abuse of-- Great Britain.
Women, Black-- Crimes against-- Great Britain.
Family violence-- Psychological aspects.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Social Security.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Social Services & Welfare.