Intro; Acknowledgements; Praise for Music and Translation: New Mediations in the Digital Age; Contents; About the Author; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Prelude; References; Creative Works; Websites; Part I: Music and Translation in a Global Context; 2: Music, Centres and Peripheries; 2.1 Music and Borders; 2.2 Music and Cosmopolitanism; 2.3 Music, English and Anglo-Saxon Cultures; References; Creative Works; Video Interview; Websites; 3: Music and Translation Today; 3.1 Definitional Aspects; 3.1.1 Music; 3.1.2 Musical Texts
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3.1.3 Transfers in a Musical Context: Translation, Mediation, Adaptation and More3.1.4 Cultural Translation and (Un)Translatability; 3.2 Music Translation: Perception and Reception; 3.2.1 Music Makers' Views on Music Translation; 3.2.2 Music Reception and Translation; References; Creative Works; Video/Radio Interviews; Websites; Part II: Translating Music; 4: What is Translated? Styles, Genres and More; 4.1 Musical Hermeneutics and Ekphrasis; 4.2 Translating Beyond Words; 4.2.1 Styles and Genres; 4.2.2 Rhythms, Tempi and Beats; References; Creative Works; Video/Radio Interviews
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6.2.5 Video Games6.2.6 Television and Non-Linear Internet Streaming; 6.2.7 Cinema; 6.3 Music and Accessibility; 6.4 Approaches and Strategies in Vocal Music Translation; References; Creative Works; Websites; Part III: Music Translates; 7: Music and Human Activities; 7.1 From Work Songs to Songs at Work and for Leisure; 7.2 Music and Ideologies; References; Creative Works; Websites; 8: In and Beyond the Material; 8.1 Music and Emotion; 8.2 Time and Space; 8.3 Music and Other Art Forms: Performativity and Intertextuality; 8.3.1 Performativity; 8.3.2 Intertextuality
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8.4 Music, Marginality and the Senses8.4.1 Music Across the Arts; 8.4.2 Music Across the Senses; References; Creative Works; Video/Radio Interviews and Artists' Websites; 9: Music and the Natural World; 9.1 Music as Mediating Agent of the Non Human; 9.1.1 Music and Animal Sounds; 9.1.2 Music and Interspecies Dialogues; 9.2 Connections and Translations; References; Creative Works; Video/Radio Interviews and Performers' Websites; Websites; 10: Coda; References; Author Index; Subject Index
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Websites5: What is Translated: Vocal Music, Voice and More; 5.1 Vocal Music and Its European Traditions; 5.2 When Vocal Music is Not Translated; 5.3 Voice; 5.4 Lyrics and Other Words: Music Publishing and Recording; References; Creative Works; Video/Radio Interviews and Performers' Websites; Websites; 6: How is Music Translated? Mapping the Landscape of Music Translation; 6.1 Musical Content and Translation Strategies; 6.2 Music Spaces; 6.2.1 Live Performances; 6.2.2 Radio; 6.2.3 Digital Music on the Move; 6.2.4 Translation Standards for Physical Formats of Recorded Music
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This book explores how transformations and translations shape musical meanings, developments and the perception of music across cultures. Starting with the concept of music as multimodal text, the author understands translation as the process of transferring a text from one language - verbal or not - into another, interlingually, intralingually or intersemiotically, as well as the products that are derived from this process. She situates music and translation within their contemporary global context, examining the tensions between local and global, cosmopolitan and national, and universal and specific settings, to arrive at a celebration of the translational power of music and an in-depth study of how musical texts are translated. This book will be of interest to translation studies scholars who want to broaden their horizons, as well as to musicians and music scholars seeking to understand how cultural exchange and dissemination can be driven by translation. Lucile Desblache is Professor of Translation and Transcultural Studies at the University of Roehampton, UK. She studied both musicology and comparative literature. This is reflected in her research interests which are twofold: the representation of the non-human in contemporary cultures on the one hand, and the translation of musical texts on the other.
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Springer Nature
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International Standard Book Number
International Standard Book Number
International Standard Book Number
Music and language.
Music-- Texts-- Translating.
Music, Cross-cultural studies.
Translating and interpreting-- Social aspects.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY-- Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- General.