research and knowledge production for a critical childhood studies /
First Statement of Responsibility
Spyros Spyrou.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
London :
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Palgrave Macmillan,
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
1 online resource
Series Title
Studies in childhood and youth
Text of Note
Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; 1 Disclosing Childhoods; Introduction; Disclosing Childhoods; The Rest of the Book; References; 2 Towards a Decentering of 'The Child'; Introduction; Broader Engagements with Social Theory; Poststructuralism; Feminist Approaches; Posthumanism, the Ontological Turn and Beyond; How to Know in Childhood Studies; The Limits of the Field; Knowing Reflexively; Knowing Diffractively; Conclusion; References; 3 Knowledge Production in Childhood Studies; Introduction; The Emergence of Contemporary Childhood Studies
Text of Note
6 Children's Participation in Research as a Knowledge PracticeIntroduction; Research by Children; The Case for Research by Children; The Limits of Research by Children; Towards the Co-production of Knowledge; Children's Participation in Research as a Knowledge Practice; Conclusion; References; 7 The Ethics and Politics of Knowledge Production in Childhood Studies; Introduction; Beyond Authenticity; Embracing Mess; Espousing Relationality and Materiality; Ontological Politics in Childhood Studies; Which Ontologies, for Whom?; The Ontological Politics of Children's Agency
Text of Note
Emerging Critiques of the Field: The Limits of Social Constructionism and Dualistic ThinkingThe Appeal of Relational Ontologies; Disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity in Childhood Studies; Undisciplining Childhood Studies?; Conclusion; References; 4 The Production of Children's Voices; Introduction; Voice Research in Childhood Studies; From Interview Methods to Visual Methods; Participant Observation and Peer Culture Research; Institutional Contexts; Rapport, Layers of Meaning and the Problem of Time; The Non-normative and the Undomesticated in Children's Voices
Text of Note
Ontology and Scale-MakingBeyond Relativism; The Irreducible Child: Towards a Critically Open Childhood Studies; References; Index
Text of Note
Silence as an Example of Undomesticated VoiceThe Interpretation of What Children Mean; The Limits of Individual Voices; Ways for Representing Children Reflexively; Conclusion; References; 5 What Kind of Agency for Children?; Introduction; The Fixation with Children's Agency; Emerging Fissures: Beyond Agency as Self-Possession; Rethinking Agency with Relational Ontologies; A New Materialist Reading of Children's Agency; An Empirical Illustration; Working Towards a Critical Understanding of Agency; Scale-Making as a Knowledge Practice in Childhood Studies; Conclusion; References
Text of Note
Disclosing Childhoods offers a critical account of knowledge production in childhood studies. The book argues for the need to be reflexive about the knowledge practices of the field and to scrutinize the role of researchers in disclosing certain childhoods rather than others. A relational lens is used to critique the ongoing fixation of childhood studies with the unitary child-agent and to re-introduce the question of ontology in knowledge production. The author provides a critical account of childhood studies' trajectory, as well as exploring the key concepts of voice, agency and participation, illustrating the potential of a reflexive stance towards knowledge production. Drawing on poststructuralist and posthumanist thinking, each of these concepts is critiqued for its conceptual limits while productive avenues are offered to reconfigure their utility. Spyrou also addresses the ethics and politics of knowledge production and considers key emerging insights which can contribute towards the development of a more reflexive and critical childhood studies. Students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including childhood studies, anthropology, sociology and geography, will find this book of interest, as well as those interested in qualitative research methodology and social theory.