Introduction -- Principles and formulas for success. Success is a habit ; Success leaves clues ; Discipline: the magic habit -- Putting together your success plan. Tapping into personal motivation ; Goals: the power source of achievement ; Dealing with adversity and setbacks -- Achieving optimum health. Here's to your physical health ; Developing the right mental attitude ; Tapping into your spiritual side -- Success through relationships. Developing valuable friendships ; Developing your most important friendship ; Having a successful family ; Building high-quality business relationships -- Success with wealth and money. Achieving financial success ; Becoming master of the board ; Crafting your wealth plan -- The time and success connection. Setting your habits for time management success ; Time equals money ; Creating the success habit of time-blocking -- Parts of tens. Ten personal characteristics to improve success ; Ten measures and models of success ; The ten biggest wealth success mistakes.
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Whether we like it or not, a big part of what we do in life is governed by habits. Even more importantly, habits can lead us to think and feel in certain patterns. Since habits are so powerful, it's worth paying attention to the ones that are most effective. Inside, bestselling author Dirk Zeller provides tried-and-true advice on creating, building, and cultivating winning habits to achieve success.