Machine generated contents note: Preface Overview I. General Framework 1. Introduction Causes/Pathogenesis II. Intra-/Interpersonal Framework 2. The Biology of Violence 3. The Psychology of Violence 4. The Symbolism (and Spiritual Causes) of Violence III. Social and Societal Framework 5. The Sociology and Anthropology of Violence 6. The Political Science and Economics of Violence 7. Structural Violence 8. Environmental (and Nuclear) Violence Consequences/Processes IV. Life Cycle Framework 9. Consequences of Violence Cures/Prevention V. Intervention Framework 10. Criminal Justice 11. International Law VI. Prevention Framework 12. Public Health 13. Global Medicine 14. Nonviolence, Compassion, and Collective Healing Conclusion VII. Overview and Analysis 15. Synthesis and Integration Index.
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Preface Overview -- Part I. -- General Framework -- Chapter1. Introduction -- Causes/Pathogenesis -- PartII. Intra-/Interpersonal Framework -- Chapter 2. The Biology of Violence -- Chapter 3. The Psychology of Violence -- Chapter 4. The Symbolism (and Spiritual Causes) of Violence --Part III. -- Social and Societal Framework -- Chapter 5. The Sociology and Anthropology of Violence -- Chapter 6. The Political Science and Economics of Violence -- Cahpater 7. Structural Violence -- Chapter 8. Environmental (and Nuclear) Violence Consequences/Processes -- Part IV. -- Life Cycle Framework -- Chapter 9. Consequences of Violence Cures/Prevention -- Part V. -- Intervention Framework -- Chapter 10. Criminal Justice Approaches -- Chapter 11. International Law Approaches -- Part VI. -- Prevention Framework -- Chapter 12. Public Health -- Chapter 13. Global Medicine Approaches -- Chapter 14. Nonviolence, Compassion, and Collective Healing Conclusion -- Part VII. -- Overview and Analysis -- Chapter 15. Synthesis and Integration -- Index.
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"A comprehensive overview of the integrative study of violence Violence continues to be one of the most urgent global public health problems that contemporary society faces. Suicides and homicides are increasing at an alarming rate, particularly in younger age groups and lower-income countries. Historically, the study of violence has been fragmented across disparate fields of study with little cross-disciplinary collaboration, thus creating a roadblock to decoding the underlying processes that give rise to violence and hindering efforts in research and prevention. Violence: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Causes, Consequences, and Cures assembles and organizes current information into one comprehensive volume, introducing students to the multiple sectors, disciplines, and practices that collectively comprise the study of violence. This innovative textbook presents a unified perspective that integrates the sociological, biological, politico-economic, structural, and environmental underpinnings of violence. Each chapter examines a distinct point of learning, beginning with an overview of the content and concluding with discussion questions and an analytical summary. The chapters focus on key domains of research encouraging interdisciplinary investigation and helping students to develop critical analytical skills and form their own conclusions. Fills a significant gap in the field by providing a coherent text that consolidates information on the multiple aspects of violence Examines current legal, medical, public health, and policy approaches to violence prevention and their application within a global context Illustrates how similar causes of violence may have dissimilar manifestations Presents a multidisciplinary examination of the symptoms and underlying processes of violence Offers a thorough yet accessible learning framework to undergraduate and graduate students without prior knowledge of the study of violence More than just an accumulation of facts and data, this essential text offers a broad introduction to a thinking process that can produce rigorous scholarship across disciplines and lead to a deeper understanding of violence in its many forms."--
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"Sales handles - Presents a considerable body of information on violence in an accessible and integrated format, outlining and illuminating the ways in which forms of violence relate to each other. - Discusses the underlying processes of violence (the syndrome) and not merely the surface behavior (the symptom) that occurs at one point in time. - Teaches students new ways of thinking about violence in order to identify principal causes of violence from an interdisciplinary, global perspective; explain various dynamics underlying different manifestations of violence; analyze connections between self-directed, interpersonal, collective, and structural violence; and suggest effective primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention approaches to the problem. - Discusses violence as multi-determined and resulting from a compound interplay between biological, psychological, social, and ecological forces and processes. - Summarizes existing information on violence from multidisciplinary sources and distinguishes diverse causes of violence that may have similar manifestations. - Discusses current preventive methods, including medical, legal, public health, and policy approaches, and how they can best be applied in a global context. Market description (Please include secondary markets) Undergraduates and graduate students in courses on violence across the social sciences (e.g., Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Criminology or Sociology, or Global Health Studies; School of Social Work; or School of Social Policy) or in professional schools (e.g., School of Law; School of Public Health; or School of Medicine Division of Psychiatry and the Law)"--