Ophthalmology: Lecture Notes; Contents; Preface to Twelfth Edition; Preface to First Edition; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; About the Companion Website; 1: Anatomy; Introduction; Surface Anatomy of the Face; Sensory Innervation of the Face: the Fifth Cranial Nerve; Gross Anatomy of the Eye; The Orbit; The Eyelids (The Tarsus); The Lacrimal Drainage System; Detailed Functional Anatomy; The Tear Film; The Cornea; The Sclera; The Choroid; The Retina; The Vitreous; The Ciliary Body; The Iris; The Iridocorneal (Drainage) Angle; The Lens; The Optic Nerve; The Ocular Blood Supply.
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Assessment Questions True or FalseAnswers; 5: The Eyelids; Introduction; Abnormalities of Lid Position; Ptosis; Entropion; Ectropion; Inflammation of the Eyelids; Blepharitis; Benign Lid Lumps and Bumps; Chalazion; Molluscum Contagiosum; Cysts; Squamous Cell Papilloma; Xanthelasmas; Keratoacanthoma; Naevus (Mole); Malignant Tumours; Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC); Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Abnormalities of the Lashes; Trichiasis; Assessment Questions True or False; Answers; 6: The Lacrimal System; Introduction; Abnormalities in Tear Flow and Evaporation -- Dry Eye; Aqueous-Deficient Dry Eye.
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Evaporative Dry Eye -- Inadequate Meibomian Oil DeliveryEvaporative Dry Eye -- Malposition of the Globe or Lid Margins; Cicatricial Conjunctival Disorders; Disorders of Tear Drainage; Obstruction of Tear Drainage (Infantile); Obstruction of Tear Drainage (Adult); Infections of the Nasolacrimal System; Assessment Questions True or False; Answers; 7: Conjunctiva, Cornea and Sclera; Introduction; Symptoms; Signs; Conjunctiva; Inflammatory Diseases of the Conjunctiva; Conjunctival Degenerations; Cornea; Infective Corneal Lesions; Corneal Dystrophies; Disorders of Shape; Corneal Degenerations.
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Refractive Error (Ametropia)Accommodation and Presbyopia; Optical Correction After Cataract Extraction; Contact Lenses; Spectacles; Low-Vision Aids; Refractive Surgery; Assessment Questions True or False; Answers; 4: The Orbit; Introduction; Clinical Features; Proptosis; Enophthalmos; Pain; Eyelid and Conjunctival Changes; Binocular Diplopia; Visual Acuity; Investigation of Orbital Disease; Differential Diagnosis of Orbital Disease; Disorders of the Extraocular Muscles; Infective Disorders; Inflammatory Disease; Vascular Abnormalities; Orbital Tumours; Dermoid Cysts.
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The Third, Fourth and Sixth Cranial NervesCentral Origin; Peripheral Course; Assessment Questions True or False; Answers; 2: History, Symptoms and Examination; Introduction; General Ophthalmic History; Specific Ophthalmic History; Red Eye; Sudden Visual Loss; Gradual Visual Loss; Ocular Pain; Diplopia; Examination; Physiological Testing of the Eye; Visual Fields; Colour Vision; Pupillary Reactions; Eye Movements; Anatomical Examination of the Eye; Special Examination Techniques; Investigative Techniques; Assessment Questions True or False; Answers; 3: Clinical Optics; Introduction.