Cover; Half-title; Series information; Title page; Copyright information; Contents; General Editor's Preface; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Problems in the Practice of Science; Two Models of Practice; Overview of the Argument; Chapter 1 The Crisis in Science; Reproducibility; Fraud and Misconduct; Lack of Care; Publication Management; True and False Innovation; Retention; Conclusion; Chapter 2 The Scientist Entrepreneur; The Rise of the Scientist Entrepreneur; Neoliberalism and the Broader Social Background for Entrepreneurial Science
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Conclusion Chapter 4 The Practices Shaping the Entrepreneurial Subject; Practices That Operate on the Subject; Practices of the Self and the Entrepreneur; Avoiding the Entrepreneurial Imperative; Chapter 5 Reshaping the Entrepreneurial Subject of Science; Aristotelian Habituation in Small Community; The Specific Intellectual and the Care of the Self; Ethics, Community, and Truth in Stoicism; Stoic Rules; Community; Truth; The Care of the Self in Science; Conclusion; Chapter 6 Acquiring the Virtue of Truth-Speaking in Science; Creating Doubt; Philosophical Parrhesia; Christian Truth-Telling
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Entrepreneurial Characteristics and the Crisis in ScienceThe Competitive Scientist; Market Responsiveness; Knowledge and Nature as Property; Caveats; The Limitations of Mainstream Responses to the Crisis of Science; Conclusion; Chapter 3 Teleology and the Craft of Science; The Weberian Scientific Ideal; Aristotelian Apprenticeship; Social Practices and Moral Formation; Apprenticeship in Science; Reductionism in Scientific Practice; Technological Reductionism in the Scientific Worldview; Laboratory Practices and Reductionism; Distinguishing Entrepreneurial from Older Modes of Reductionism
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Risky Speech for the Christian in ScienceConclusion; Chapter 7 Subjectivity, Truth, and Theological Anthropology; Truth and Practice; Practices and Subjectivity; Truth and Ethics; The Imago Dei and the Ethics of Practice; Misperceiving the Self; Transforming the Vision of the Self; Conclusion; Conclusion; Bibliography; Index
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The scientific reproducibility crisis is a crisis of character. Stoic and Christian spiritual exercises build virtues that address these problems.