Cover -- Half-title page -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Contents -- Introduction -- 1 Optical plane waves in an unbounded medium -- 1.1 Introduction to optical plane waves -- 1.1.1 Plane waves and Maxwell's equations -- (a) The y#x84;-polarized#x84; plane wave -- (b) The x#x84;-polarized#x84; plane wave -- 1.1.2 Plane waves in an arbitrary direction -- 1.1.3 Evanescent plane waves -- 1.1.4 Intensity and power -- 1.1.5 Superposition and plane wave modes -- (a) Plane waves with circular polarization -- (b) Interference of coherent plane waves -- (c) Representation by summation of plane waves -- 1.1.6 Representation of plane wave as optical rays -- 1.2 Mirror reflection of plane waves -- 1.2.1 Plane waves polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence -- 1.2.2 Plane waves polarized in the plane of incidence -- 1.2.3 Plane waves with arbitrary polarization -- 1.2.4 The intensity -- 1.2.5 Ray representation of reflection -- 1.2.6 Reflection from a spherical mirror -- 1.3 Refraction of plane waves -- 1.3.1 Plane waves polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence -- 1.3.2 Plane waves polarized in the plane of incidence -- 1.3.3 Properties of refracted and transmitted waves -- (a) Transmission and reflection at different incident angles -- (b) Total internal reflection -- (c) Refraction and reflection of arbitrary polarized waves -- (d) Ray representation of refraction -- 1.3.4 Refraction and dispersion in prisms -- (a) Plane wave analysis of prisms -- (b) Ray analysis of prisms -- (c) Thin prism represented as a transparent layer with a varying index -- 1.3.5 Refraction in a lens -- (a) Ray analysis of a thin lens -- (b) Thin lens represented as a transparency with varying index -- 1.4 Geometrical relations in image formation -- 1.5 Reflection and transmission at a grating -- 1.6 Pulse propagation of plane waves -- Chapter summary.
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4.2.2 Analytical solutions of the modes in confocal cavities -- 4.2.3 Properties of resonant modes in confocal cavities -- (a) The transverse field pattern -- (b) The resonance frequency -- (c) The orthogonality of the modes -- (d) A simplified analytical expression of the field -- (e) The spot size -- (f) The diffraction loss -- (g) The line width of resonances -- 4.2.4 Radiation fields inside and outside the cavity -- (a) The far field pattern of the TEM modes -- (b) A general expression for the TEMlm Gaussian modes -- (c) An example to illustrate confocal cavity modes -- 4.3 Modes of non#x84;-confocal#x84; cavities -- 4.3.1 Formation of a new cavity for known modes of confocal resonator -- 4.3.2 Finding the virtual equivalent confocal resonator for a given set of reflectors -- 4.3.3 A formal procedure to find the resonant modes in non#x84;-confocal#x84; cavities -- 4.3.4 An example of resonant modes in a non#x84;-confocal#x84; cavity -- 4.4 The propagation and the transformation of Gaussian beams (the ABCD matrix) -- 4.4.1 A Gaussian mode as a solution of Maxwell's equation -- 4.4.2 The physical meaning of the terms in the Gaussian beam expression -- 4.4.3 The analysis of Gaussian beam propagation by matrix transformation -- 4.4.4 Gaussian beam passing through a lens -- 4.4.5 Gaussian beam passing through a spatial filter -- 4.4.6 Gaussian beam passing through a prism -- 4.4.7 Diffraction of a Gaussian beam by a grating -- 4.4.8 Focusing a Gaussian beam -- 4.4.9 An example of Gaussian mode matching -- 4.4.10 Modes in complex cavities -- 4.4.11 An example of the resonance mode in a ring cavity -- Chapter summary -- 5 Optical waveguides and fibers -- 5.1 Introduction to optical waveguides and fibers -- 5.2 Electromagnetic analysis of modes in planar optical waveguides -- 5.2.1 The asymmetric planar waveguide -- 5.2.2 Equations for TE and TM modes.
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5.3 TE modes of planar waveguides -- 5.3.1 TE planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes -- 5.3.2 TE planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes in a symmetrical waveguide -- 5.3.3 The cut#x84;-off#x84; condition of TE planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes -- 5.3.4 An example of TE planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes -- 5.3.5 TE planar substrate modes -- 5.3.6 TE planar air modes -- 5.4 TM modes of planar waveguides -- 5.4.1 TM planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes -- 5.4.2 TM planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes in a symmetrical waveguide -- 5.4.3 The cut#x84;-off#x84; condition of TM planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes -- 5.4.4 An example of TM planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes -- 5.4.5 TM planar substrate modes -- 5.4.6 TM planar air modes -- 5.4.7 Two practical considerations for TM modes -- 5.5 Guided waves in planar waveguides -- 5.5.1 The orthogonality of modes -- 5.5.2 Guided waves propagating in the y-z plane -- 5.5.3 Convergent and divergent guided waves -- 5.5.4 Refraction of a planar guided wave -- 5.5.5 Focusing and collimation of planar waveguide modes -- (a) The Luneberg lens -- (b) The geodesic lens -- (c) The Fresnel diffraction lens -- 5.5.6 Grating diffraction of planar guided waves -- 5.5.7 Excitation of planar guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes -- 5.5.8 Multi#x84;-layer#x84; planar waveguides -- 5.6 Channel waveguides -- 5.6.1 The effective index analysis -- 5.6.2 An example of the effective index method -- 5.6.3 Channel waveguide modes of complex structures -- 5.7 Guided#x84;-wave#x84; modes in optical fibers -- 5.7.1 Guided-wave solutions of Maxwell's equations -- 5.7.2 Properties of the modes in fibers -- 5.7.3 Properties of optical fibers in applications -- 5.7.4 The cladding modes -- Chapter summary -- 6 Guided#x84;-wave#x84; interactions -- 6.1 Review of properties of the modes in a waveguide -- 6.2 Perturbation analysis -- 6.2.1 Derivation of perturbation analysis -- 6.2.2 A simple application of perturbation analysis: perturbation by a nearby dielectric.
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8.1.2 Electro#x84;-optic#x84; effects in waveguides at low frequencies.
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Uniting classical and modern photonics approaches by presenting optical analyses as solutions of Maxwell's equations, this book enables students and practising engineers to fully understand the similarities and differences between the different methods. Topics include: plane wave analysis; diffraction analysis of many applications, including a rigorous analysis of TEM waves using Maxwell's equations with boundaries; laser cavity modes and Gaussian beams; modal analysis; approximation methods (including the perturbation technique, coupled mode analysis, and super mode analysis). With theory linked to practical examples throughout, it provides a clear understanding of the interplay between plane wave, diffraction and modal analysis, and how the different techniques can be applied to various areas including imaging, signal processing, and optoelectronic devices. --