Drugscape : an introduction. Safety first -- Interpreting the reports -- General safety notes ; Chemscape : a chemical journey. Psychedelics -- Stimulants -- Anxiolytics & sedatives -- Intoxicating depressants -- Dissociatives -- Empathogens & euphoriants -- Cannabinoids -- Nootropics ; Botscape : a botanical journey. Psychedelics -- Stimulants -- Sedatives -- Nootropics -- Oneirogens -- Deliriants -- Unclassified ; Worldscape : the wider context. How many people use drugs? -- The relative harm -- Addiction & overdose -- The LawScape -- Drug tourism -- Culture & society (reference) -- Confessions of a lab rat -- Argot -- Internet resources -- Namaste : a final note.
Text of Note
The Drug Users Bible "documents the facts about the individual drugs and the subject in general. The author self-administered over 150 different chemicals and botanicals. For each of these he documented the vital safety data, inclusive of dose thresholds, onset times and duration. In addition, he recorded a trip report: a subjective analysis of his qualitative experience, usually at different time-checks. This in itself provides a yet another tranche of harm reduction information, enabling assessment of loss of judgement and capability"--