How my marraige was saved -- 1. A fresh start -- 2. Compatibility is only a thought away -- 3. Communication: when you need it, it won't work -- 4. Moods: the key to understanding people -- 5. Emotions: master or servant? -- 6. Compassion or resentment? The choice is yours -- 7. Dissatisfaction: a mental illness -- 8. ffortless, permanent change: possibility or pipedream? -- 9. Bringing out the best in people -- 10. Don't deal with problems: transcend them -- 11. The source of conflict: no one will ever see the world you see -- 12. Exit excitement, enter love: levels of relationships -- 13. It's never too late: to get a fresh start -- 14. Intimacy: plain and simple -- 15. Commitment: self-sacrifice or self-serving? -- 16. Summary.