Includes bibliographical references (pages 375-389).
Text of Note
Keynote address. Reality is a shared hallucination / Howard Bloom. The news media and other manipulators. What makes mainstream media mainstream / Noam Chomsky -- Journalists doing somersaults / Norman Solomon -- The puppets of pandemonium / Howard Bloom -- New rules for the new millennium / Gary Webb -- The covert news network / Greg Bishop -- Why does the Associated Press change its articles? / Russ Kick -- We distort, you abide / Kenn Thomas -- The media and their atrocities / Michael Parenti -- Making molehills out of mountains / Marni Sullivan -- Whey they hate Oliver Stone / Sam Smith -- The Martin Luther King you don't see on TV / Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon -- Sometimes lying means only telling a small part of the truth / R.U. Sirius, with Michael Horowitz and the Friends of Timothy Leary -- Upon hearing of the electronic bogeyman / George Smith -- School textbooks / Earl Lee -- The information arms race / Douglas Rushkoff. Politricks. The war secrets Senator John McCain hides / Sydney Schanberg -- Jimmy Carter and human rights / Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon -- All the president's men / David McGowan -- Oil before ozone / Russ Kick -- God save the president! / Robin Ramsay -- Colony Kosovo / Christian Parenti -- The truth about terrorism / Ali Abunimah -- You can't win / James Ridgeway. Official versions. Anatomy of a school shooting / David McGowan -- How the people seldom catch intelligence / Preston Peet -- Reassessing the OKC / Cletus Nelson -- Votescam / Jonathan Vankin -- The Rabin murder cover-up / Barry Chamish -- What's missing from this picture? / Jim Marrs -- The social fabrication. Don't blame your parents / interview with Judith Rich Harris -- The female hard-on / Tristan Taormino -- Art and the eroticism of puberty / David Steinberg -- "A world that hates gays" / Philip Jenkins -- Apt pupils / Robert Sterling -- A panic of biblical proportions over media violence / Paul McMasters -- The man in the bushes / interview with Philip Jenkins. Condemned to repeat it. Amnesia in America / James Loewen -- Columbus and western civilization / Howard Zinn -- Go out and kill people because this article tells you to / Nick Mamatas -- Saving Private Power / Michael Zezima -- What I didn't know about the communist conspiracy / Jim Martin. Tripping. Drug war mythology / Paul Armentano -- Toad-licking blues / Thomas Lyttle -- Poppycock / Jim Hogshire -- AA lies / Charles Bufe -- The unconscious roots of the drug war / Dan Russell -- Holy rolling. The truth about Jesus / M.M. Mangasarian -- The bible code / David Thomas -- Mystics and messiahs / interview with Philip Jenkins -- Who's who in hell / interview with Warren Allen Smith. Blinded by science. Environmentalism for the twenty-first century / Patrick Moore -- Humans have already been cloned / Russ Kick -- Nutrafear & nutraloathing in Augusta, Georgia / Alex Constantine -- Forbidden archaeology / Michael A. Cremo -- There is so much that we don't know / William R. Corliss. The big picture. Will the real human being please stand up? / Riane Eisler -- You are being lied to : a disinformation books roundtable / Alex Burns -- I have met God and he lives in Brooklyn / Richard Metzger -- Church of the motherfucker / Mark Pesce -- A sentient universe / Peter Russell -- A lost theory? / David Loye.
Text of Note
"This book acts as a battering ram against the distortions, myths and outright lies that have been shoved down our throats by the government, the media, corporations, organized religion, the scientific establishment and others who want to keep the truth from us. A group of researchers - investigative reporters, political dissidents, academics, media watchdogs, scientist-philosophers, social critics and rogue scholars - paints a picture of a world where crucial stories are ignored or actively suppressed and the official version of events has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. A world where real dangers are downplayed and nonexistent dangers are trumpeted. In short, a world where you are being lied to." "You'll discover that a human being has already been cloned; Joseph McCarthy was not paranoid; museums refuse to display artifacts that conflict with the theory of evolution; the CIA has admitted to involvement in the drug trade; parents don't affect who their children become; plus further revelations involving Columbine, WWII, textbooks, Al Gore, George W. Bush, Timothy Leary and much more."--BOOK JACKET.
Parallel Title
Disinformation guide to media distortion, historical whitewashes and cultural myths