Modelling physical location based factors of photovoltaic viability
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Wang, Yimin
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Erdelyi, Robert ; Hanna, Edward
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
University of Sheffield
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Thesis (Ph.D.)
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Text of Note
The aim of this thesis is to model physical location based factors of photovoltaic (PV) viability, including geographical location, dominated climate factors, urban terrain shading and PV panel technologies. We analyze ground measurements from thirteen UK Met Office British weather stations, and ten further weather stations in the US operated by National Solar Radiation Data Base for evidence of climatic effects on annual and seasonal solar radiation over the last 40 years. The impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on winter solar radiation in the British Isles is explored. We evaluate the accuracies of four solar radiation models - the PVGIS model, UKCP09 model, Liu and Jordan model and Page model - against ground measurements from these thirteen UK Met Office British weather stations. A three-dimensional (3D) SOlar RAdiation Model (SORAM) is presented for evaluating the potential direct and diffuse solar radiation aggregated at a point location in an urban area. By using ray-tracing algorithm, SORAM is capable of taking into account terrain shading. We also present a mobile application that has the same aim as SORAM. However, instead of using a 3D city map, the embedded shading detection algorithm is based on image processing. An analytical model of externally-coated, rectangular and cylindrical luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) have been developed. These LSCs are able to estimate the residual intensity as a function of wavelength, concentration of luminescent dye and device dimension.