examining the moderating effect of customer characteristics on the relationship between channel performance satisfaction and behavioural intention
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Thwaites, D. ; Theotokis, A.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
University of Leeds
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Thesis (Ph.D.)
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Text of Note
The advent of multiple channel strategies motivate service providers, especially banks, to link their traditional existing channels (i.e., the service provider's employees) to more innovative channels such as the Internet; in an attempt to increase profitability by retaining their existing customers and attracting new potential customers. The purpose of the current research is to identify factors which influence customers' satisfaction with the performance of a service provider's multiple channel's which might lead to desirable behavioural outcomes such as staying loyal. In particular, this study focuses on the interaction affects personality traits (i.e., the five-factor model of personality) might have on the relationship between satisfaction with multichannel performance and behavioural intention, and how significant these interaction effects are in enhancing or weakening this relationship. Data was collected primarily using a questionnaire which was completed by a sample of 380 chosen customers of various Saudi banks in the city of Jeddah. Results obtained from performing structural equation modelling indicate that customers' satisfaction with both employee channel performance and on-line banking channel performance have a positive significant effect on their behavioural intention. In addition, existence of channel synergies was confirmed; whereby customers' satisfaction with the bank employee's fact-to-face performance leads to a positive attitude towards the channel and, in turn, this positive attitude extends to the on-line banking channel. Findings have also revealed a positive moderating effects that the extravert trait has on enhancing the positive relationship between their satisfaction with the online channel's performance and behavioural intention, whilst, at the same time displaying negative effect on satisfaction with the employee channel's performance and behavioural intention, which indicates that extravert individuals from the study sample are adventurous and are in favour of trying new ways of performing their banking activities. Furthermore, both neuroticism trait and openness to experience were found having a negative moderating effect on customers' satisfaction with the employee channel's performance and behavioural intention. However, no significant interaction effects were detected for these traits on satisfaction with online banking and behavioural intention. As for technology readiness, no moderating effects were found with regards to this relationship. Finally, there are several managerial implications provided by the study as well as direction for future research.