An investigation into a digital forensic model to distinguish between 'insider' and 'outsider'
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Al-Morjan, Abdulrazaq Abdulaziz
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De Montfort University
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Thesis (Ph.D.)
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IT systems are attacked using computers and networks to facilitate their crimes and hide their identities, creating new challenges for corporate security investigations. There are two main types of attacker: insiders and outsiders. Insiders are trusted users who have gained authorised access to an organisation's IT resources in order to execute their job responsibilities. However, they deliberately abuse their authorised (i.e. insider) access in order to contravene an organisation's policies or to commit computer crimes. Outsiders gain insider access to an organisation's IT objects through their ability to bypass security mechanisms without prior knowledge of the insider's job responsibilities, an advanced method of attacking an organisation's resources in such a way as to prevent the abnormal behaviour typical of an outsider attack from being detected, and to hide the attacker's identity. For a number of reasons, corporate security investigators face a major challenge in distinguishing between the two types of attack. Not only is there no definitive model of digital analysis for making such a distinction, but there has to date been no intensive research into methods of doing so. Identification of these differences is attempted by flawed investigative approaches to three aspects: location from which an attack is launched, attack from within the organisation's area of control, and authorised access. The results of such unsound investigations could render organisations subject to legal action and negative publicity. To address the issue of the distinction between insider and outsider attacks, this research improves upon the first academic forensic analysis model, Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS) [63]. The outcome of this improvement is the creation of a Digital Analysis Model for Distinction between Insider and Outsider Attacks (DAMDIOA), a model that results in an improvement in the analysis investigation process, as well as the process of decision. This improvement is effected by two types of proposed decision: fixed and tailored. The first is based on a predetermined logical condition, the second on the proportion of suspicious activity. The advantage of the latter is that an organisation can adjust its threshold of tolerance for such activity based on its level of concern for the type of attack involved. This research supports the possibility of distinguishing between insider and outsider attacks by running a network simulation which carried out a number of email attack experiments to test DAMDIOA. It found that, when DAMDIOA used predetermined decisions based on legitimate activities, it was able to differentiate the type of attack in seven of the eight experiments conducted. It was the tailored decisions with threshold levels Th=0.2 and 0.3 that conferred the ability to make such distinctions. When the researcher compared legitimate activities, including users' job responsibilities, with the current methods of distinguishing between insider and outsider attacks,the criterion of authorised access failed three times to make that distinctions. This method of distinction is useless when there is a blank or shared password. He also discovered that both the location from which an attack was launched and attacks from areas within an organisation's control failed five times to differentiate between such attacks. There are no substantive differences between these methods. The single instance in which the proposed method failed to make these distinctions was because the number of legitimate activities equalled the number of suspicious ones. DAMDIOA has been used by two organisations for dealing with the misuse of their computers, in both cases located in open areas and weakly protected by easily guessed passwords. IT policy was breached and two accounts moved from the restricted to the unlimited Internet policy group. This model was able to identify the insiders concerned by reviewing recorded activities and linking them with the insiders' job responsibilities. This model also highlights users' job responsibilities as a valuable source of forensic evidence that may be used to distinguish between insider and outsider attacks. DAMDIOA may help corporate security investigators identify suspects accurately and avoid incurring financial loss for their organisations. This research also recommends many improvements to the process by which user activities are collected before the attack takes place, thereby enabling distinctions to be better drawn. It also proposes the creation of a physical and logical log management system, a centralised database for all employee activities that will reduce organisations' financial expenditures. Suggestions are also proposed for future research to classify legitimate and suspicious activities, evaluate them, identify the important ones and standardise the process of identifying and collecting users' job responsibilities. This work will remove some of the limitations of the proposed model.