Nitrogen and carbon in alfalfa grass/hay production in the Central High Plains: Coupling of soil-plant-atmosphere exchange
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Brekke Lane Peterson
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
Norton, Urszule; Krall, James M.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
University of Wyoming
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
Text of Note
Committee members: Islam, M. Anowarul; Legg, David; Stahl, Peter D.
Text of Note
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-321-51573-2
Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
Discipline of degree
Plant Sciences
Body granting the degree
University of Wyoming
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Text of Note
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)/perennial bunchgrass hay is grown on marginal soils in the Central High Plains. This region has recently been experiencing frequent droughts. Information on the effects of variation in precipitation on soil nitrogen (N) cycling, greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and hay productivity is limited and much needed to better understand the overall impact of the regional climate on dryland agroecosystem N and carbon (C) cycling. A 26-month experiment was conducted at the James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center. The site received 21% above normal (2011), 64% below normal (2012) and 30% below normal (2013) annual precipitation. Bi-weekly monitoring of GHG fluxes, soil inorganic N, dissolved organic N (DON) and soil moisture was performed in irrigated hay, dryland hay and native prairie. Results suggested that reduced precipitation increased water delivery to irrigated crops by 80%, which resulted in a decrease in cumulative nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from 58.2 mg season-1 in 2011 to 38.1 mg season-1 in 2012, CO2 flux remained at 94.7 kg season-1 in both years. In dryland hay, cumulative N2O declined from 88.3 mg season-1 in 2011 to 34.4 mg season-1 in 2012 while CO2 flux remained at 48.2 kg season-1 in both years. Soil labile N accumulated each year in all soils at the end of the growing season, except in dryland hay in fall 2012. Simulated precipitation experiment showed an increase in CO2 from 32.5mg m-2hr-1 to 42.9 mg m-2hr -1 and N2O from 29.0 µg m-2hr -1 to 74.3 µg m-2hr-1 in dryland hay. In comparison, native prairie had an increase in CO2 from 4.8 mg m-2hr-1 to 36.9 mg m-2hr -1 and in N2O from 6.7 µg m-2hr -1 to 23.1 µg m-2hr-1 in. Shoot N decreased to 3.1 g m-2 in dryland hay and to 8.5 g m-2in 2012. In conclusion, drought affects more availability of soil N, soil-atmosphere N exchanges and plant biomass N than agroecosystem C. With the current predictions of increasing weather variability in this region, more effort should be placed in increasing agroecosystem efficiency to withstand increasing variability in precipitation.