Companion to: What's the difference? DVD featuring John Piper.
Text of Note
Introduction --; Setting the stage in culture : the secular feminist impulse --; Setting the stage in the church : the tragedy of female agnosticism --; Recovering biblical manhood and womanhood --; Complementarity as God's design in creation --; Complementarity as God's design for marriage --; Defining male headship according to the Bible --; Defining female submission according to the Bible --; Answering objections and questions --; Male leadership in the church --; Men and women in ministry for the glory of God --; Review and conclusion.
Text of Note
This twelve-lesson guided group study commends the beauty of and the biblical truth of God's plan for men and women and comes complete with Scripture and key quotations for reflection, penetrating questions, and five daily assignments per week. The content will both reinforce and prepare group members for Piper's powerful teaching so that all may come to recognize and embrace our God-given differences.