Learning Multiclass Rules with Class-Selective Rejection and Performance Constraints.
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Nisrine Jrad
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INTECH Open Access Publisher
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This chapter presents the multiclass decision problem in a new framework where the performances of the decision rule must satisfy some constraints. A general formulation of the problem with class-selective rejection subject to performance constraints was expounded. The definition of the problem takes into account three kinds of criteria: the label sets, the performance constraints, and the average expected loss. The solution of the stated problem was given within the statistical decision theory framework. Some supervised learning strategies were presented. Two approaches are proposed; a class-modeling approach and a boundary based approach. The first named class-modeling approach is defined within the statistical community. Class-modeling approaches are generally characterized by having an explicit underlying probability model, which provides a probability of being in each class rather than simply a classification. The second is defined in the Support Vector Machines community. It focuses on the boundary of the data. It avoids the estimation of the complete density of the data, which might be difficult using small sample sizes. Experimental results on artificial datasets show that, on the first hand, class-modeling approaches require big amounts of data because it is based on a complete density estimate. Furthermore, the performances of the classifier is conditioned by the choice of a good convergent estimator. As a comparison between GMM and PW algorithms, it is worthy to note that even though PW is widely used, for some complex distributions like multimodal distributions, GMM fitting can be a better model yielding to an accurate decision rule. GMM produce not only memory and computational advantages, but also superior results in terms of solving the under vs. overfitting compromise. When a large sample of typical data is available, the density method is expected to work well.