Introduction 1. What is BSP? 1.1 Internet Communication Manager 1.2 Internet Communication Framework 1.3 BSP Development Environment 1.4 HTMLB Rendering Family 1.5 BSP Compiler 1.6 BSP Runtime 1.7 BSP Debugger 1.8 MIME Repository 1.9 Summary 2. HTTP and HTML 2.1 Viewing the HTTP Traffic 2.2 Structure of HTTP 2.3 Server Objects for HTTP Request and Response 2.4 HTML Forms and Data Handling 2.5 Mapping of HTML onto HTTP Requests 2.6 Cookies 2.7 HTTP Redirects 2.8 Handling of HTML Resources in HTTP 2.9 Troubleshooting Examples 3. HTTP Handler 3.1 URL Handling in the ICF Tree 3.2 URL Mapping 3.3 Sample Handler for Reading Images 3.4 Alias Handling 3.5 Handler Example Table Query 4. URLs in BSP 4.1 URL Mangling 4.2 Fully Qualified Domain Names 4.3 Namespace Mapping 4.4 URL Parameters 4.5 URL Escaping 5. Authentication 5.1 Basic Authentication 5.2 Single Sign-On 5.3 Digital Certificates 5.4 Anonymous Services 5.5 Form-Based Authentication 5.6 Implementing a Simple Logon Application 5.7 De-Authentication 6. Session Management 6.1 Session Identification 6.2 Session Timeout 6.3 Confusion with Processing Timeout 6.4 Catching and Handling a Restart after Timeout 6.5 Session Management from the Browser 6.6 Warning the User of a Pending Timeout 6.7 Summary 7. Using BSP Applications in SAP GUI 7.1 Using a BSP Application in a Dynpro 7.2 Pitfalls when Using BSP Applications with SAP GUI 7.3 Interaction between SAP GUI and BSP Applications 7.4 Starting a New Browser Outside the SAP GUI 8. Performance Measurements 8.1 Test Applications 8.2 Quick Sizing with HTTP Trace Tool 8.3 Network Latency 8.4 Server Processing Time 8.5 Browser Rendering Time 8.6 Determining Hotspots 8.7 Load Testing 8.8 SQL Traces 9. BSP Extensions 9.1 Extension Overview 9.2 HTMLB Event System 9.3 Common Extension Elements 10. BSP Element Expressions and Iterators 10.1 BSP Element Expressions 10.2 Table View Iterators 11. Creating your own BSP Extension Element 11.1 Creating a BSP Extension Element 11.2 Writing a Composite Element 11.3 A Deeper Look at BSP Extensions Events 11.4 Event Handling in Composite Elements 12. Additional BSP Extensions 12.1 Business Text Framework 12.2 Internet Graphics Service 12.3 BSP Library 13. MVC Model View Controller 13.1 MVC Design Paradigm 13.2 Application Structure 13.3 Model Binding 13.4 Dynamic Model Binding 13.5 Stateless MVC 13.6 Building a Pattern Engine with MVC 14. Help Systems 14.1 F1 Field Level Help 14.2 Dialog Windows 14.3 F4 Value Help 15. Internationalization 15.1 Multiple Language Support 15.2 Logon Language 15.3 Unicode 15.4 Online Text Repository (OTR) 15.5 Translation 15.6 Date Format 16. Document Handling in BSP 16.1 MIME Repository 16.2 ICM File Handler 16.3 Handling Non-HTML Documents 16.4 Data Manipulation 16.5 Microsoft Excel Download 16.6 Pushing the Excel Content back through the Browser 16.7 BSP Extension Element for Excel Download 16.8 Alternatives to the MIME Repository 16.9 ZIP Tool 17. Customization 17.1 Customization Overview 17.2 Export Modify Import 17.3 NetWeaver Theme Editor 17.4 ALFS ABAP Look-and-Feel Service 17.5 Configure a Theme Root 17.6 Theme Root White List 17.7 Error Pages 17.8 Logon Application 18. Skilled in the Art 18.1 Field History 18.2 Server-Side Printing 18.3 Select-Options/Parameters 19. Breaking Out of the Mold 19.1 Interactive Excel 19.2 RSS Feeds 19.3 Mini-Portal 20. Closing Appendix A. BSP Utility Classes B. The Authors Index .