SOYBEANS: CULTIVATION, USES AND NUTRITION; SOYBEANS: CULTIVATION, USES AND NUTRITION; Contents; Preface; Soybean Seed Composition and Quality: Interactions of Environment, Genotype, and Management Practices; Abstract; 1. Introduction; 2. effect of Environment and Genotype on Seed Composition; 2.1 Quantification of Partial Contribution of Environmental Factors and Genotypic Backgrounds to Total Seed Protein and Oil; 2.2. Modified Seed Oils and their Stability across Environments; 2.3. Effects of Environmental Factors and Genotypes and their Interactions on Seed Carbohydrates. 2.4. Soybean Seed Storage Proteins2.4.1. Significance; 2.4.2. Structure; 2.4.3. Breeding and genetic engineering for seed storage proteins improvement; 3. Crop Management Effects on Seed Composition; 3.1. Planting Date Effects on Seed Composition; 3.2. Crop Rotation, Tillage, and Row Spacing Effects on Seed Composition; 3.3. Irrigation Effects on Seed Composition; 3.4. Glyphosate Effects on Nutrient Uptake and Seed Composition in Glyphosate Resistant Soybean; 3.5. Temperature Effects on Germination and Emergence; 4. Effect of Plant Disease on Seed Composition and Quality. 4.1. Phomopsis Effects on Seed Composition and Quality4.2. Charcoal Rot Effects on Seed Composition and Quality; 5. Breeding and Genetic Engineering Research for Altered Oils; Acknowledgments; References; Soy Food in Demand: A Present and Future Perspective; Soybean History; Soybean; Seed Characteristics; Composition of Soybeans; Important Health Related Soy Constituents; Protease Inhibitors; Summary of Soy Constituents and Their Functions; Soy and Functional Foods; Soybean: Nutritionally Balanced Diets; Glucose Tolerance; Caloric Reduction; Zinc Bioavailability; Iron Bioavailability. Soy-Fiber-Enhanced DietsSoy Protein; Types of Soy Protein; Nutritional Benefits of soy; Protein Assessment; Protein Rating Scales; Protein Efficiency Ratio; Biological Value; Net Protein Utilization; Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score; Evaluation of Soy Protein Products in Human Nutrition; Evaluation of Soy Protein Products in Specific Foods; Infant Formulas; Meats and Fish; Special Nutritional Products; Nutritional Significance of Protease Inhibitors; Safety and Microbiology Issues; Microbiology and Sanitation; Important Soy Foods and Ingredients. Effects of Processing Conditions on Soybean ComponentsProteins; Processing and Trypsin Inhibitors; Processing and Phytic Acid; Processing and Saponins; Processing and Isoflavones; Biotechnology Aspects of Soybean Improvement; Gene Transfer; Agrobacterium-Mediated Gene Transfer; DNA Transfer Into Protoplasts (Direct Transfer); Particle Bombardment; Critical Assessment of Gene Delivery Methods; Selection of Targets for Biotechnology Improvement; Role of Biotechnology in Modification to Soybean Seed and Enhance Animal Feed; Future Prospect of Biotechnology in Soybean Foods Development.