On cover: "Ce livre décrit la transformation de l'Europe en 'Eurabia', une extension culturelle et politique du monde arabo-musulman ... "
Text of Note
Argues that Europe is turning into "Eurabia", a cultural and political extension of the Arab-Muslim world, fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-American, and antisemitic. This transformation has been facilitated by the Euro-Arab dialogue, which is ongoing since the end of the 1970s. Antisemitism constitutes the basis (it is the kingpin and the spirit) of "Eurabia", and the Palestinian question is the main instrument for the breakup of Europe. Europe's relationship to Israel is ontological in addition to geostrategic, due to Europe's Christian history. The undoing of the bond between Europe and Israel in "Eurabia", where the cult of the "death of Israel" is conveyed by the Palestinian cause, serves to assure the eventual triumph of Jihad. Pp. 141-159 deal specifically with the anti-Zionist and antisemitic policies of "Eurabia". Palestinian terror, along with the oil conflict, has triggered a hardening of Europe's anti-Israel stance which aims to appease the Arab world. Since 1973, the European Community and the European Union have aligned their positions with that of the Arab world and have embarked on a campaign of delegitimization and demonization of Israel. The EU, in financing the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian NGOs to a large extent, has amplified the strategy of Euro-Arab dialogue to support Jihad against Israel through the activity of Partenariat Euromed, founded in 1995 by the EU to promote dialogue around the Mediterranean. Churches, universities, and NGOs in "Eurabia" have been integrated as part of this strategy. Eurabian "Palestinism" impregnates the European media, which exonerate Palestinian terrorism.
Europe -- Politics and government -- 20th century.
Europe -- Politics and government -- 21st century.