Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of Managerial EconomicsChapter 2: Market Forces: Demand and SupplyChapter 3: Quantitative Demand AnalysisChapter 4: The Theory of Individual BehaviorChapter 5: The Production Process and CostsChapter 6: The Organization of the FirmChapter 7: The Nature of IndustryChapter 8: Managing in Competitive, Monopolistic, and Monopolistically Competitive MarketsChapter 9: Basic Oligopoly ModelsChapter 10:Game Theory: Inside OligopolyChapter 11:Pricing Strategies for Firms with Market PowerChapter 12:The Economics of InformationChapter 13:Advanced Topics in Business StrategyChapter 14:A Manager's Guide to Government in the MarketplaceCase Study: Challenges at Time Warner: Appendix A: Answers to Selected End-of-Chapter ProblemsAppendix B: Additional Readings and References