Picking stocks What are the different trading styles and which is best for me?How do I use online trading stock news to my advantage?Is long-term trading really 'all that and a bag of cash'?What's all this technical analysis and charting about then?Is it easier to trade a sector than a stock or a whole index?Inspire me that an online trader really can beat the professionalsWhere does past performance fit into stock picking? Picking brokers Online brokers not for allJust what type of broker is right for me?Why do so many traders have the wrong broker? Portfolio and risk management What do I need to know about my portfolio that the professionals know?What is risk? How do I quickly and easily measure it like a professional trader?Why do I want to invest in bonds and what is the best way for me? Active trading Should I trade actively? Which are the best tools and what do the wrong ones cost me?Why do so many people continue day trading? Is there something in it or not?I want to trade actively, so what about options then? Foreign trading I want to trade foreign stocks - am I mad or ahead of the pack?What about riskier foreign markets then?How do exchange rates affect my foreign stock Finale Am I better off not trading online? Surely not? GlossaryFurther readingIndex