Literature of Java, Catalogue Raisonné of Javanese Manuscripts in the Library of the University of Leiden and Other Public Collections in The Netherlands, 1.
Text of Note
Preliminary Historical Remarks on the Literature of Java --; 00001 The Importance of Javanese Literature --; 00010 Javanese Literature and Javanese Civilization --; 00020 Outline of the Development of Javanese Literature, Four Eras --; 00030 The Javanese Language, historically --; 00035 Javanese Manners of Speech --; 00040 Forms of Literature, Prose and Rhythmic Prose --; 00050 Poetry ruled by Indian Prosody --; 00060 Poetic forms of indigenous origin, Popular Verse --; 00070 Macapat Prosody --; 00080 Javanese-Indian Script --; 00090 Arabic Script --; 00100 Latin Script, transcription systems --; 00110 Orthography --; 00120 Chronology --; 00130 Writing Material and Books --; 00140 Books and Treatises on Javanese Literature, Bibliography --; 00145 List of Abbreviations --; Synopsis of Javanese Literature, 900-1900 A.D. --; One: Religion and Ethics --; Two: History and Mythology --; Three: Belles-Lettres --; Four: Science, Arts, Humanities, Law; Folklore, Customs and Miscellanea --; Miscellanea.
Text of Note
The present "Literature Qf Java, Catalogue Raisonne Qf Javanese Manuscripts" is a publicatiQn of the Library Qf the University Qf Leiden. It is no. IX Qf the series "CQdices Manuscripti" published by this Library, and it is made available tOo the public by the RQyal Institute Qf Linguistics and AnthropQoIDgy. Originally the wQrk was Qnly meant to be a sequel tOo Dr H.H. Juynboll's "Supplement Dp "den CatalQgus van de J avaansche en Madoereesche Handschriften der Leidsche "Universiteits-BibliQtheek" in two volumes. The second volume appeared in 1911. It soon became clear, hQwever, that this was the Dpportunity tOo publish an English Catalogue which could be used as an introductiDn to the study Qf Javanese literature mOore easily than the previQus Dutch catalQgues eQuId. It is a matter Qf fact that Dr Juynboll and his predecessors wrQte their catalogues with the intentiDn of prQviding infDrmatiDn on Javanese literature in general, and fDr several decades their books did render excellent services tOo students Qf Javanese civilizatiQn. The differences in structure between the older catalogues and the present bDOk will be explained in the introduction to the second vQlume. In two vDlumes the contents of the previDus catalQgues, increased by an equal quantity Qof new material, has been rearranged according tOo a new system. The third volume, cDntaining illustrations, facsimiles Df manuscripts, maps and a general index Df names and subjects, is entirely new.