Levi, I. Acceptance revisited.--Rosenkrantz, R. Cognitive decision theory.--Goosens, W.K.A critique of epistemic utilities.--Lehrer, K. Induction, consensus, and catastrophe.--Fetzer, J.H. Elements of induction.--Szaniawski, K. On sequential inference.--Menges, G. and Kofler, E. Cognitive decisions under partial information.--Kyburg, H.E., Jr. Local and global induction.--Bogdan, R.J. Hume and the problem of local induction.--Cohen, L.J.A conspectus of the neo-classical theory of induction.--Niiniluoto, I. Inquiries, problems, and questions.--Törnebohm, H. On piecemeal knowledge-formation.--Tuomela, R. Confirmation, explanation, and the paradoxes of transitivity.