List of Contributors. Editors' Introduction; I. Lundberg, et al. Part I: Theoretical Perspectives. Towards a Sharper Definition of Dyslexia; I. Lundberg. Theories of Deficits in Dyslexia; T. Hoien. A Connectionist Perspective of Reading and its Difficulties; M.J. Snowling, C. Hulme. Cognitive Architecture of Early Reading; P.H.K. Seymour. Automaticity, Automatization and Dyslexia; A. van der Leij, V. van Daal. Awareness and Automaticity in Reading; F.E. Tonnessen. Part II: The Impact of Orthography. Towards a Theoretical Framework for Understanding Reading Development and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies; U. Goswami. What Can We Learn from Dyslexia in Chinese? Che Kan Leong. Part III: Biological Perspectives. Research on Reading Disabilities in the Colorado Learning Disability Research Center; R.K. Olson. Exclusion of Linkage to 1p, 6p and Chromosome 15 in a Large Norwegian Family with Dyslexia; T. Fagerheim, et al. Brain Markers of Dyslexia: Planum Temporale Asymmetry and Dichotic Listening to CV-Syllables; K. Hugdahl, E. Heiervang. Developmental Dyslexia: The Role of the Cerebellum; R.I. Nicolson, A.J. Fawcett. Part IV: Diagnostics and Treatment. Early Reading Problems: A Follow up 20 Years later; A. Olofsson. A Diagnostic Procedure Based on Reading Component Model; R. Malatesha Joshi. Component Model-Based Remedial Treatment of Reading Disabilities; P.G. Aron, H. Kotva. Do Pre-School Data Predict Resistance to Treatment in Phonological Awareness, Decoding and Spelling? P. Niemi, et al. First Steps: A Program of Early Intervention; C.M. Santa. Author Index. Subject Index.