I Modern Stromatolites From Freshwater and Marine Environments --; The Modern Thrombolites of Lake Clifton, Western Australia --; Bacterially Controlled Calcification of Freshwater Schizothrix-Stromatolites: An Example from the Pieniny MTS, Southern Poland --; Stromatolitic Mats in Antarctic Lakes --; Recent Fresh-Water Lacustrine Stromatolites, Stromatolitic Mats and Oncoids from Northeastern Mexico --; Peritidal Potential Stromatolites --; A Synopsis --; Stromatolite and Serpulid Bioherms in a Holocene Restricted Lagoon (Sabkha El Melah, Southeastern Tunisia) --; II Cenozoic Stromatolites in Lakes and Marine Stromatolitic Phosphorites --; Microstructures in Tertiary Nonmarine Stromatolites (France). Comparison with Proterozoic --; Stromatolites From the East African Rift: A Synopsis --; Lacustrine Stromatolites and Oncoids: Manuherikia Group (Miocene), New Zealand --; Stromatolitic Phosphorites in the Eocene of the Negev (Southern Israel) --; III Mesozoic Deep Marine Stromatolites and Bacterial Marine Phosphorites --; Amino Acids in the Pelagic Stromatolites of the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese Formation (Middle-Upper Jurassic, Southern Alps, Italy) --; Deep-Marine Microbial Structures in the Upper Jurassic of Western Tethys --; Mesozoic Stratigraphic Breaks and Pelagic Stromatolites in the Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain --; Mesozoic Pelagic Phosphate Stromatolites From the Penibetic (Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain) --; IV Paleozoic Stromatolites and Thrombolites --; Siliciclastic-Carbonate Stromatolite Domes, in the Early Carboniferous of the Ajjers Basin (Eastern Sahara, Algeria) --; Thrombolitic-Stromatolitic Cycles of the Cambro-Ordovician Boundary Sequence, Precordillera Oriental Basin, Western Argentina --; Thrombolites and Stromatolites Within Shale-Carbonate Cycles, Middle-Late Cambrian Shannon Formation, Amadeus Basin, Central Australia.
Text of Note
While information on recent microbial mats and Precambrian stromatolites can be found in numerous publications, this book presents essential information on Phanerozoic stromatolites, which have not yet received very much attention. Emphasis is placed on freshwater environments and deep-marine settings, and phosphatic stromatolites. The volume contains seventeen contributions by recognized specialists in the field. It is divided into four parts which cover the entire Phanerozoic from recent settings up to Cambrian stromatolites. The first emphasizes the importance of microbial activity in modern freshwater and deep-marine settings. Cenozoic stromatolites are covered in Parts 2 and 3. The final part is devoted to Paleozoic stromatolites and thrombolites. This collection of papers provides an up-to-date overview of the development and our understanding of the formation of stromatolites during the Phanerozoic. The book contains invaluable information for both researchers and scientists in geology, sedimentology and paleontology and practitioners working in the petroleum and phosphate mining industry.