I: General Topics --; The Text Encoding Initiative: Its History, Goals, and Future Development --; The Design of the TEI Encoding Scheme --; What is SGML and How Does It Help? --; II: Document-Wide Encoding Issues --; Character Representation --; The TEI Header and the Documentation of Electronic Texts --; Practical Considerations in the Use of TEI Headers in Large Corpora --; III: Encoding Specific Text Types --; Encoding Verse Texts --; The Show Must Go On: Problems of Tagging Performance Texts --; Textual Criticism --; Speaking with One Voice: Encoding Standards and the Prospects for an Integrated Approach to Computing in History --; The Encoding of Spoken Texts --; E-TIF: An Electronic Terminology Interchange Format --; Encoding Dictionaries --; IV: Special Encoding Mechanisms --; The TEI Hypertext Guidelines --; Rationale for the TEI Recommendations for Feature-Structure Markup --; Hierarchical Encoding of Text: Technical Problems and SGML Solutions --; SGML/TEI Bibliography.
Text of Note
Charles F. Goldfarb Saratoga. California If asked for a sure recipe for chaos I would propose a I am delighted that my invention, the Standard project in which several thousand impassioned special Generalized Markup Language, was able to play a ists in scores of disciplines from a dozen or more role in the TEl's magnificent accomplishment, particu countries would be given five years to produce some larly because almost all of the original applications 1300 pages of guidelines for representing the informa of SGML were in the commercial and technological tion models of their specialties in a rigorous, machine realms. It is reasonable, of course, that organiza verifiable notation. Clearly, it would be sociologically tions with massive economic investments in new and and technologically impossible for such a group even changing information should want the benefits of infor to agree on the subject matter of such guidelines, let mation asset preservation and reuse that SGML offers. alone the coding details. But just as clearly as the It is gratifying that the TEl, representing the guardians bumblebee flies despite the laws of aerodynamics, the of humanity's oldest and most truly valuable informa Text Encoding Initiative has actually succeeded in such tion, chose SGML for those same benefits. an effort. The vaunted "information superhighway" would The TEl Guidelines are extraordinary.