Root Demographics and Their Efficiencies in Sustainable Agriculture, Grasslands and Forest Ecosystems :
General Material Designation
Other Title Information
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research, held 14-18 July 1996 at Madren Conference Center, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by James E. Box.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Netherlands
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(xiii, 793 pages)
Series Title
Developments in plant and soil sciences, 82.
Text of Note
SECTION I: Global Patterns of Carbon Allocation --; SECTION II: Managed and Unmanaged Ecosystems --; SECTION III: Sustainable Agroecosystems --; *16. Eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides) root penetration into and chemical properties of claypan soils --; 17. Effect of submergence on the growth and development of aerenchyma in the roots of maize seedlings --; 18. Seasonal variation in root growth of three grass species under varying cutting treatments --; 19. Some aspects of the root system of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) --; 20. Dynamics of below-ground plant organs in grasslands --; 21. Effects of water supply in the upper and lower soil profiles of deep soil on root characteristics and dry matter production of winter wheat --; 22. Wheat root systems and water utilization in a semi-arid region --; 23. Common root rot of pea (Pisum sativum L.): Oat pre-crop and traffic compaction effects in fine-textured mollisols --; 24. Soil compaction and soybean root growth --; *25. Fibrous carrot root responses to irrigation and compaction of sandy and organic soils --; 26. Tillage and phosphorus effects on silage corn --; 27. Root activity and acquisition of soil phosphorus and potassium --; 28. A study of the root systems of main crops in Northern China --; 29. Metabolic characteristics of growing and dormant Scotch pine roots in the course of tree development --; 30. Variation in fine-root biomass and net primary productivity due to conversion of tropical forests into plantation crops and agroecosystems --; 31. Managing VAM in a semi-arid agroecosystem --; 32. The role of endomycorrhizae in fine-root litter degradation --; 33. Evaluation of N2 fixing capability of Acacia saligna under field conditions --; SECTION IV: Ground Water Quality --; SECTION V: Genetics, Physiology and Molecular Biology --; SECTION VI: Contemporary Methods for Measuring Root Dynamics.
Text of Note
The chapters in this Proceedings are divided into six areas of interest, reflecting the six sessions of the symposium: (1) Global patterns of carbon allocation and partitioning; (2) Managed and unmanaged ecosystems; (3) Sustainable agroecosystems; (4) Groundwater quality; (5) Genetics, physiology, and molecular biology; and (6) Contemporary methods for measuring root dynamics. The sponsoring society has made a particular effort in these symposia to include root scientists from the former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries. Therefore, when combined with manuscripts from the U.S.A., western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, P.R. China and Asia, a good sampling of world root research is presented in the sixty-seven chapters. This volume should prove valuable as a reference and source of communication for root scientists.
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research, held July 14-18, 1996, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA