Risk Analysis and Reduction in the Chemical Process Industry
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
by J.M. Santamaría Ramiro, P.A. Braña Aísa.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Netherlands : Imprint : Springer
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(384 pages)
Text of Note
1 Introduction and general concepts --; 2 Hazard identification techniques --; 3 Consequence analysis: fires and explosions --; 4 Consequence analysis: release of hazardous substances --; 5 Vulnerability of persons and installations --; 6 Quantitative risk assessment --; 7 Risk reduction in the design of chemical plants --; 8 Risk reduction in operation and maintenance --; 9 Emergency planning --; 10 Legislation, standards and design codes --; Appendix: Some cases of industrial accidents --; A1 Explosions caused by runaway reactions: the accident in the Union Carbide facilities at Seadrift, Texas, 1991 --; A1.1 Installation characteristics --; A1.2 Chronology --; A1.3 Causes of the accident --; A1.4 Design and safety considerations --; A1.5 Conclusions --; A.2 Accidents originating with operations of loading and unloading of containers: the accident in the EMPAK facilities, Deer Park, Texas, 1988 --; A2.1 Installation characteristics --; A2.2 Chronology --; A2.3 Causes of the accident --; A2.4 Safety considerations and conclusions --; A3 Destruction of process and storage containers by vacuum: various cases --; A3.1 Case 1 --; A3.2 Case 2 --; A3.3 Case 3 --; A4 Unconfined vapour cloud explosions. The case of the Nypro plant at Flixborough (United Kingdom) --; A4.1 Installation characteristics --; A4.2 Chronology of the accident --; A4.3 Analysis of the causes of the accident --; A5 Toxic emissions caused by runaway reactions: the accidents of Seveso (Italy) and Bhopal (India) --; A5.1 The dioxin emission at Seveso (1976) --; A5.2 The escape of methyl isocyanate (MIC) at Bhopal (1984) --; A6 References.
Text of Note
Concern for the environment has become one of the big issues in modern society, and one of the chief concerns is the environmental impact of modern industrial production. A particularly sensitive issue is the possibility of accidents in industries where there may be severe consequences for people, property and the environment. At one time the nuclear industry was seen as the most likely to be the cause of significant environmental damage, but after the occurrence of several major accidents such as Seveso, Flixborough and Bhopal, that concern extends to much of the chemicals industry. Pressure from society, reflected by strong legislation, coupled with a greater understanding of the impact that chemical processing operations can have, has led to the adoption of higher profile safety and environmental management programs within the chemical industry. Under these programmes existing and new processes are rigorously examined to determine the possible causes and consequences of failure, and the results used to improve the process to make failure less likely. Any process audit, aimed at improving safety or lessening the environmental impact, cannot be carried out using intuition or experience alone, so the discipline of risk analysis has grown as a collection of tools and methods which can be utilized to give a quantitative assessment of the risks involved in operating any given process. In this new book the authors present risk analysis and reduction in a clear and unified way, emphasizing the various different methods which can be used together in a global approach to risk analysis in the chemical process industries. Originally conceived as a text book for graduate level courses in chemical engineering, the clear presentation and thorough coverage will ensure that anyone involved in risk assessment, environmental impact assessment or safety planning will find this book an invaluable source of reference.