Land Use Changes in Europe Processes of Change, Environmental Transformations and Future Patterns.
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Brouwer, F.M.
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Springer Verlag
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Text of Note
1. Land Resources, Land Use and Projected Land Availability for Alternative Uses in the EC.- 1.1. Introduction.- 1.2. Land Use Structure.- 1.3. Climate and Soils.- 1.4. Slope Characteristics of Land.- 1.5. Assessing Future Land Requirements for Major Uses in the EEC.- 1.6. Projected Land Use Changes.- 1.7. Concluding Remarks.- 2. Trends in the Transformation of European Agriculture.- 2.1. Introduction.- 2.2. Types of Agriculture in Europe.- 2.3. Agricultural Regions in Europe.- 2.4. Conclusions.- 3. Future Land Use Patterns in Europe.- 3.1. Introduction.- 3.2. Land Use Patterns in Europe.- 3.3. New Technologies and Changing Land Use Patterns.- 3.4. Climate Change and Soil Degradation in Relation to Changing Land Use Patterns.- 3.5. Future Land Use Changes in Europe.- 3.6. Concluding Remarks.- 4. The Role and Impact of Biophysical Determinants on Present and Future Land Use Patterns in Europe.- 4.1. Introduction.- 4.2. Major Determinants of Land Use Patterns in Europe.- 4.3. Effect of Biophysical Parameters on Crop Growth.- 4.4. Land Assessment Based on the Physical Potential of the Land.- 4.5. Concluding Remarks.- 5. Atmospheric Methane: Estimates of Its Past. Present and Future and Its Role in Effecting Changes in Atmospheric Chemistry.- 5.1. Introduction.- 5.2. The Greenhouse Effect.- 5.3. Chemical Interferences.- 5.4. Climatic Implications.- 5.5. The Global Methane Budget.- 5.6. Biogenic Sources.- 5.7. Methane of Non-biological Origin.- 5.8. Pre-industrial Methane Emissions.- 5.9. Future Trends.- 5.10. Concluding Remarks.- 6. Perspectives on a Changing Hydroclimate: Land Use Implications.- 6.1. Introduction.- 6.2. The Hydrological Cycle.- 6.3. Interdependency of Catchment Hydrology and Land Use.- 6.4. Environmental Manipulation.- 6.5. Influence of Climatic Change.- 6.6. Sustainable Interaction between Society and the Water Cycle.- 6.7. Matrices to Clarify the Impacts of Changes.- 6.8. Conclusion.- 7. Dynamics in Land Use Patterns: Socio-economic and Environmental Aspects of the Second Agricultural Land Use Revolution.- 7.1. Introduction.- 7.2. Development and Sustainability: A Methodological Framework.- 7.3. Land Use and Economics: An Historical Orientation.- 7.4. Agricultural Land Use and the Environment.- 7.5. Overproduction in the Agricultural Sector: An International Perspective.- 7.6. Strategic and Scientific Options for Co-evolutionary Development.- 8. Climatic Change and Land Use Impact in Europe.- 8.1. Introduction.- 8.2. European Climate-Vegetation-Soil Relationships.- 8.3. Major Future Shifts of Biomes and Land Use.- 8.4. Climate Related Acidification, Eutrophication and Aridification.- 9. Climatic Changes and Land Use Potential in Europe.- 9.1. Introduction.- 9.2. Specific Approaches.- 9.3. A Summary of Possible Effects of Climatic Change on Agricultural Potential in Europe.- 9.4. Potential Technological and Management Responses.- 9.5. Conclusions.- 10. Environmental Constraints on Agricultural Production.- 10.1. Introduction.- 10.2. Materials and Methods Applied.- 10.3. Results of the Experiments.- 10.4. Measures to Prevent Leaching.- 10.5. Conclusion.- 11. Potential Effects of Climate and Land Use Changes on the Water Balance Structure in Poland.- 11.1. Introduction.- 11.2. Methods of Assessing the Heat and Water Balance Structure.- 11.3. Scenarios of Heat and Water Balance Components.- 11.4. Conclusions.- 12. Soil Erosion, Soil Degradation and Climatic Change.- 12.1. Introduction.- 12.2. Soil Erosion in Western Europe.- 12.3. Establishing Information on Erosion and Degradation.- 12.4. Land Degradation: The World Problem.- 12.5. Soil Erosion and Climatic Change.- 13. Salinization Potential of European Soils.- 13.1. Introduction.- 13.2. Salinization of Groundwater and Soils.- 13.3. Major Aspects of Soil Salinity.- 13.4. Future Potential for Salt-affected Soils in Europe.- 13.5. Prevention and Monitoring of Secondary Salinization.- 14. Changes in Rates of Weathering and Erosion Induced by Acid Emissions and Agriculture in Central Europe.- 14.1. Introduction.- 14.2. Results and Discussion.- 14.3. Conclusions.- 15. Potential for Acidification of Forest Soils in Europe.- 15.1. Introduction.- 15.2. Causes of Soil Acidification.- 15.3. Modeling Forest Soil Acidification.- 16. Historical Land Use Changes and Soil Degradation on the Russian Plain.- 16.1. Introduction.- 16.2. Socio-economic and Political Factors Determining Land Use changes.- 16.3. Land Use Changes since 1700.- 16.4. Soil Degradation and Changes in Land Use Patterns.- 16.5. Summary and Conclusions.- 17. Historical Land Use Changes: The Netherlands.- 17.1. Introduction.- 17.2. Historical Trends of Land Use Patterns.- 17.3. Major Determinants of Historical Land Use Changes.- 17.4. Land Use Planning.- 17.5. Current and Future Trends.- 17.6. Conclusions.- 18. Historical Land Use Changes: Sweden.- 18.1. Introduction.- 18.2. Societal Development over the Past Three Hundred Years.- 18.3. The Ancient Order.- 18.4. Land Use Transformations over the Past Two Centuries.- 18.5. The Agrarian Revolution during the Nineteenth Century.- 18.6. Agricultural Development during the Twentieth Century.- 18.7. Woodland.- 18.8. The Impact of Increased Circulation of Chemicals in the Environment.- 18.9. Discussion and Conclusions.- 19. Historical Land Use Changes: Poland.- 19.1. Introduction.- 19.2. Changes in Economic Conditions and Land Use Patterns.- 19.3. Major Socio-economic Determinants of Land Utilization.- 19.4. Regional Differences and Marginal Areas.- 19.5. Socio-economic Development Trends and Changing Land Use Patterns in Poland.- 19.6. Conclusions.- 20. Historical Land Use Changes: Mediterranean Regions of Europe.- 20.1. Introduction.- 20.2. Historical Patterns of Development and Urbanization.- 20.3. The Period after the Second World War.- 20.4. Recent Development Patterns.- 20.5. Development Patterns and Land Use.- 20.6. Policy Responses to Pressing Problems.- 20.7. Conclusions.- 21. Land Use Statistics in Natural Resource Accounting Systems.- 21.1. Introduction.- 21.2. Natural Resource Accounting.- 21.3. Role of Land Use Statistics in NRA.- 21.4. Role of NRA in Policy analysis and Public Information.- 21.5. Summary and Conclusions.- 22. Analysis of Land Use Determinants in Support of Sustainable Development.- 22.1. Introduction.- 22.2. Analysis of Land in Support of Sustainable Development.- 22.3. Key Biophysical Variables.- 22.4. A Canadian Approach.- 22.5. Key Socio-economic Variables.- 22.6. Demands for Land.- 22.7. Selecting a Spatial Framework.- 22.8. Testing Scenarios within a Spatial Supply/Demand Framework.- 22.9. Conclusions.