NATO ASI series., Series C,, Mathematical and physical sciences ;, 367.
Text of Note
Foreword. 1. Historical Perspective of Organometallic Thermochemistry; H.A. Skinner. 2. Combustion Calorimetry of Organometallic Compounds; G. Pilcher. 3. Organo-f-Element Thermochemistry, Implications for Reactivity and Bonding from Metal-Ligand Bonding Energetics; M.A. Giardello, W.A. King, S.P. Nolan, M. Porchia, C. Sishta, T.J. Marks. 4. The Role of Bond Energies in Hydrocarbon Activation by Transition Metal Centers; W.D. Jones, R.M. Chin, L. Dong, S.B. Duckett, E.T. Hessell. 5. Rh-C Bond Dissociation Enthalpies for Organometallic Derivatives of Rhodium Porphyrins; B.B. Wayland. 6. Solution Thermochemistry of Organometallic Compounds Using Photoacoustic Calorimetry: Enthalpies of Ligand Exchange, Metal-Ligand Bonds, and Metal-Solvent Interactions; T.J. Burkey. 7. Electrochemistry of some Organic and Organometallic Radicals and their Application in Thermochemical Cycles; D.D.M. Wayner. 8. Derivative Cyclic Voltammetry: Applications in the Investigation of the Energetics of Organometallic Electrode Reactions; M. Tilset. 9. The Use of Calorimetric and Sublimation Techniques to Study Bond Properties in Organometallic Compounds; A.S. Carson. 10. Estimating Enthalpies of Sublimation of Hydrocarbons; J.S. Chickos, D.G. Hesse, J.F. Liebman. 11. Derivation of Thermodynamic Quantities from Kinetic Measurements in Gas Phase Silane Chemistry; R. Walsh. 12. Bond Enthalpy Transferability -- Is It Achievable? J.A. Connor. 13. Estimates of Thermochemical Data for Organometallic Compounds; J.A. Martinho Simoes. 14. Bonding and Solvation Energetics for Organometallic Gas-PhaseMolecules and Ions: Experimental Approaches and Thermodynamic Insights; D.E. Richardson. 15. Gas-Phase Acidities of Transition-Metal Carbonyl and Trifluorophosphine Hydrides; A.E. Stevens Miller, T.M. Miller. 16. Bond Strengths in Transition Metal Carbonyl Anions; L.S. Sunderlin, R.R. Squires. 17. Fundamental Gas Phase Studies of the Mechanism and Thermochemistry of Organometallic Reactions; J.L. Beauchamp, P.A.M. van Koppen. 18. Guided Ion Beam Studies of the Energetics of Organometallic Species; P.B. Armentrout, D.E. Clemmer. 19. A Guide to Density Functional Theory and its Practical Applications to the Energetics of Organometallic Species; T. Ziegler. 20. Theoretical Models for Organometallic Reactions; M.R.A. Blomberg, P.E.M. Siegbahn, M. Svensson, J. Wennerberg. List of Posters and Contributed Oral Presentations. Subject Index.
Text of Note
Why has the energetics of organometallic species become an area of recognized importance? What methods are available to obtain information on reaction enthalpies and bond 'strengths'? What other methods are likely to be used in the future? Is the present thermochemical data bank satisfactory for our needs? How accurately can we estimate the energetics of organometallic reactions? Can theory offer reliable help? Which are the main problems to be tackled by the experimentalist? These are some of the questions addressed in the present book, which contains contributions by most of the leading groups in the area of organometallic thermochemistry.
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Curia, Portugal, September 3-13, 1991