1 Scope and limitations of classical hazard assessment.- 1.1 The exposure side of the equation.- 1.1.1 Surveys and monitoring programmes.- 1.1.2 Wildlife health considerations.- 1.1.3 Human health considerations.- 1.1.4 Environmental quality.- 1.1.5 Design of monitoring programmes.- 1.2 The toxicity side of the equation.- 1.2.1 Broad studies of lethal levels.- 1.2.2 Tissue levels associated with mortality or indices of harm.- 1.3 Hazard assessment.- 2 Biomarkers of the nervous system.- 2.1 Esterase inhibition.- 2.1.1 Classification of esterases.- 2.1.2 Mode of action.- 2.1.3 Factors affecting activity.- 2.1.4 Direct mortality caused by Cholinesterase inhibitors.- 2.1.5 Summary of experimental studies.- 2.1.6 Relationship to other biomarkers.- 2.1.7 Use of esterases as biomarkers.- 2.2 Biogenic amines.- 2.2.1 Introduction.- 2.2.2 Summary of experimental studies.- 2.2.3 Factors influencing activity.- 2.2.4 Relationship to other biomarkers.- 2.2.5 Use of biogenic amines as a biomarker.- 3 Biomarkers of the reproductive system.- 3.1 Studies of the breeding cycle.- 3.1.1 Introduction.- 3.1.2 Laboratory experiments.- 3.1.3 Experimental field studies.- 3.1.4 Observations on untreated individuals.- 3.2 Studies on embryos.- 3.3 Hormones.- 3.3.1 Effects of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons.- 3.3.2 Effects of organophosphates.- 3.3.3 Effects of oil.- 3.3.4 Receptors.- 3.3.5 Summary.- 4 Studies on genetic material.- 4.1 Introduction.- 4.2 RNA/DNA ratio.- 4.3 DNA adducts.- 4.4 DNA strand breakage.- 4.5 Degree of methylation of DNA.- 4.6 Sister chromatid exchange.- 4.7 Use of genetic material in monitoring.- 5 Mixed function oxidases.- 5.1 Introduction.- 5.2 Nomenclature.- 5.3 General description of the system.- 5.4 Factors influencing activity.- 5.5 Interactions with other biomarkers.- 5.6 Mechanism of action, receptors and dioxin equivalents.- 5.7 Use of mixed function oxidases as biomarkers.- 6 Thyroid function, retinols, haem and regulatory enzymes.- 6.1 Thyroid function.- 6.1.1 Introduction.- 6.1.2 Summary of experimental data.- 6.1.3 Factors influencing activity.- 6.1.4 Interactions with (or relationship to) other biomarkers.- 6.1.5 Use of thyroid function as a biomarker.- 6.2 Vitamin A (retinoids).- 6.2.1 Introduction.- 6.2.2 Summary of experimental data.- 6.2.3 Factors influencing activity.- 6.2.4 Interactions with other biomarkers.- 6.2.5 Use of retinoids as biomarkers.- 6.3 Haem, porphyrins and inhibition of aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) by lead.- 6.3.1 Porphyrins: an introduction.- 6.3.2 Summary of experimental studies.- 6.3.3 Interrelationship with other biomarkers.- 6.3.4 Use of porphyrins as biomarkers.- 6.3.5 Inhibition of ALAD by lead.- 6.3.6 Factors affecting ALAD activity.- 6.3.7 Interaction with other biomarkers.- 6.3.8 Use of ALAD as a biomarker.- 6.4 Enzyme activity.- 6.4.1 Introduction.- 6.4.2 Amino acid metabolism.- 6.4.3 Carbohydrate metabolism: glycolysis.- 6.4.4 Oxidative phosphorylation.- 6.4.5 Phosphatases.- 6.4.6 Use of enzyme activity as a biomarker.- 7 Behavioural effects: their relationship to physiological changes.- 7.1 Introduction.- 7.2 Types of tests used.- 7.3 Behavioural effects of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons.- 7.4 Behavioural effects of organophosphates.- 7.5 Behavioural effects of heavy metals and other pollutants.- 7.6 Relationship of behavioural effects to biomarkers.- 8 Environmental immunotoxicology.- 8.1 Introduction.- 8.2 The immune system as a target for xenobiotic interaction.- 8.2.1 Immunodeficiency and immunosuppression.- 8.2.2 Altered host resistance to infections.- 8.2.3 Hypersensitivity, allergy and pseudoallergy.- 8.2.4 Autoimmunity.- 8.2.5 Immunopotentiation.- 8.3 Relationship of immunotoxicology and other toxic effects.- 8.3.1 Immunotoxicity and hepatotoxicity.- 8.3.2 Immunotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.- 8.3.3 Immunotoxicity and neurotoxicity.- 8.3.4 Immunotoxicity and impairment of metabolism/ detoxification.- 8.3.5 Immunosuppression and mutagenicity/carcinogenicity.- 8.4 Immunotoxic chemicals.- 8.4.1 Immunotoxicology of heavy metals, organometals and metalloids.- 8.4.2 Immunotoxicology of aromatic hydrocarbons.- 8.4.3 Immunotoxicology of halogenated hydrocarbons.- 8.4.4 Immunotoxicology of carbamates and organophosphates.- 8.5 Assessment and prediction of immunotoxicity.- 8.6 Application of immunoassays in environmental studies.- 8.7 Conclusions.- 9 The use of animals in wildlife toxicology.- 9.1 Introduction.- 9.2 The LD50 and related tests.- 9.3 Comparison of measurements in blood to organs.- 9.4 The role of tissue culture experiments.- 9.5 Statistical considerations.- 10 The role of biomarkers in environmental assessment.- 10.1 Biomarkers and the epidemiological approach.- 10.2 Current status of monitoring based on biomarkers.- 10.3 Relationship between chemical exposure and biomarker response.- 10.3.1 Availability of biomarkers that respond to major classes of pollutants.- 10.3.2 Sensitivity of response of biomarkers.- 10.4 Relationship between responses of biomarkers to adverse effects.- 10.4.1 Extrapolation to harm at the individual level.- 10.4.2 Extrapolation to harm at the population and community level.- 10.5 Strategy for using biomarkers.- Appendix 1 Latin names of species referred to in text.- Appendix 2 Abbreviations.- References.