Huebner international series on risk, insurance, and economic security, 17.
Text of Note
1 Life Insurance and the Question of Solvency --; 2 Considerations in a Mutual Life Insurance Conversion --; 3 Banking and Insurance: A Banking Industry Perspective --; 4 The Myths and Reality of Low-Grade Bonds --; 5 The Paradox of Performance Measurement --; 6 Estimating Divisional Cost of Capital for Insurance Companies --; 7 Corporate Risk Management and the Insurance Industry --; 8 Asset/Liability Management: From Immunization to Option-Pricing Theory --; 9 Scorekeeping in the 1990's: Financial Issues of Multinational Insurance Organizations.
Text of Note
The theme of this book is the management of life insurers using techniques drawn from the field of finance. The importance of financial management has increased greatly in recent years, paralleling the growth in competition within the financial services industry. This competitive environment reflects an increasing financial sophistication among insurance consumers, as well as the blurring of the lines that traditionally separated different types of financial institutions. To succeed in today's business environment, insurers must use financial techniques such as asset--liability management, financial hedging, futures, and options. They must also be increasingly precise in measuring the tradeoffs between risk and return in both their asset and product portfolios.