NATO ASI series., Series C,, Mathematical and physical sciences ;, 399.
Text of Note
Invited papers --; Knot Projections and Knot Coverings --; Knots and Knot Spaces --; Knot Groups --; An Introduction to Species and the Rack Space --; Some Remarks on the Braid-Permutation Group --; to Topological Imitations of (3,1)-Dimensional Manifold Pairs --; A Wild Variation of Artin's Braids --; Invariants of Links and 3-Manifolds from Skein Theory and from Quantum Groups --; Classical Numerical Invariants in Knot Theory --; The Quest for a Knot with Trivial Jones Polynomial: Diagram Surgery and the Temperley-Lieb Algebra --; Twisted Topological Invariants Associated with Representations --; On the Alexander and Jones Polynomial --; Contributed papers --; Hyperbolic 3-dimensional Orbifolds --; Irregular Dihedral Branched Coverings of Knots --; 2-Dimensional Braids and Chart Descriptions --; On Links Embedded into Surfaces of Heegaard Splittings of S3 --; A Search for Kernels of Burau Representations --; The Witten-Reshitikhin-Turaev Invariant for Three-Manifolds.
Text of Note
Topics in Knot Theory is a state of the art volume which presents surveys of the field by the most famous knot theorists in the world. It also includes the most recent research work by graduate and postgraduate students. The new ideas presented cover racks, imitations, welded braids, wild braids, surgery, computer calculations and plottings, presentations of knot groups and representations of knot and link groups in permutation groups, the complex plane and/or groups of motions. For mathematicians, graduate students and scientists interested in knot theory.
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Erzurum, Turkey, September 1-12, 1992