Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute Held at the Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway August 16-September 3, 1965
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by Billy M. McCormac.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
Springer Netherlands
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
(915 pages)
Series Title
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, A Series of Books on the Developments of Space Science and of General Geophysics and Astrophysics Published in Connection with the Journal Space Science Reviews,, 5.
Text of Note
Opening Talk --; Opening Talk --; Session I B-L Space --; Models of the Earth's Magnetic Field --; Adiabatic Theory of Charged Particle Motion --; Magnetic Coordinates --; Future Magnetic Field for B-L Space --; Session II Observed Particle Distribution in the Natural Belts (I) --; Some General Aspects of Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation --; Some Cosmic Ray and Radiation Belt Observations Based on Data from the Anton 302 G-M Counter in Ariel I --; Low Altitude Measurements of Trapped Electrons --; Resonance Acceleration of Particles in the Inner Radiation Belt --; Energy Spectrum of Inner Zone Protons --; Electron and Proton Observations --; Temporal Stability of Inner Zone Protons --; Some Observations of the Distribution of Energetic Protons in the Earth's Radiation Belts Between 1962 and 1964 --; Summary of Inner Zone Protons --; Conclusions on Neutron Albedo Decay Source --; Session III Observed Particle Distribution In The Natural Belts (Ii) --; The Alouette Satellite Results --; Outer Zone Protons --; Vela Satellite Measurements of Particles in the Solar Wind and the Distant Geomagnetosphere --; Trapped Radiation Estimates for the Other Planets --; Outer Zone Electrons --; Session IV Sources and Sinks Of Natural Trapped Radiation --; Origin and Loss of Inner Zone Protons --; Particle Effects in the Geomagnetic Field --; Precipitation of Electrons and Protons into the Atmosphere --; Loss Rates of Trapped Electrons by Atmospheric Collisions --; Source of Outer Zone Protons --; Diffusion of Protons in the Outer Radiation Belt --; Longitude Dependence of Geomagnetically Trapped Electrons --; On the Observation of Ionospheric Effects Due to Dumping of Trapped Particles --; Session V Physics of the Outer Magnetosphere --; Survey of Acceleration and Diffusion --; Coefficients of Diffusion in the Outer Radiation Belt --; Electron Loss from the Van Allen Zones Due to Pitch Angle Scattering by Electromagnetic Disturbances --; Observations of Magnetospheric Boundary Phenomena --; Magnetospheric Models --; Nature of the Outer Magnetosphere and Magnetopause Theory --; The Motion of Trapped Particles in a Distorted Field --; Some Plasma Instabilities of the Magnetosphere --; Auroral Phenomena Associated with Particle Precipitations --; Ionospheric Response to Particle Precipitation by fmin-Blackout Technique --; The Tail of the Magnetosphere and Particle Acceleration --; A Fluid Model for the Interaction of the Solar Wind and the Geomagnetic Field --; Session VI Artificial Injected Radiation --; Sources of Artificial Radiation Belts --; Spatial Distribution and Time Decay of the Intensities of Geomagnetically Trapped Electrons from the High Altitude Nuclear Burst of July 1962 --; Measurements of Trapped Electron Intensities Made by the Explorer XV Satellite --; Observations of the Transient Behavior of Electrons in the Artificial Radiation Belts --; Some Observations of the Trapped Electrons Produced by the Russian High-Altitude Nuclear Detonation of October 28, 1962 --; The Trapped Electron Spectra from the Starfish Detonation and from the Outer Belt in the Fall of 1962 --; Overall Analysis of Experiments on Artificial Radiation Belts --; The Motion of Bomb Debris Following the Starfish Test --; Energetic Electrons from Shock Heating in the Exosphere --; SESSION VII Synchrotron Radiation --; Synchrotron Radiation Measurements near the Magnetic Equator --; Theoretical Model of Synchrotron Radiation and Comparison with Observations --; Session VIII Effects Of Trapped Radiation On Sensors, Electronic Devices, Etc. --; Effects of Trapped Radiation on Electronic Devices --; Radiation Damage to Orbiting Solar Cells and Transistors --; A Method for Calculation of Average Radiation Fluxes on Satellites --; Session IX Radiation Doses Received By Manned Flight In The Trapped Radiation Belts --; Predictions and Observations for Space Flight --; Shielding Techniques --; A Model Proton Environment above 4 MeV --; Some New Methods for Space Shielding Calculations --; Summary --; Index of Persons --; Index of Subjects.
Text of Note
This book contains the lectures presented at the Advanced Study Institute, 'Radiation Trapped in the Earth's Magnetic Field' which was held at the Bergen Tekniske Skole, Bergen, Norway, during the period August 16 through September 3, 1965. Approximately one-third of the time was devoted to discussion. The various Session Chairmen have summarized the essential points brought out in these discussion periods which were generally quite spirited. The authors and the publisher have made a special effort to rapidly publish an up-to-date status concerning the various aspects of trapped radiation. Almost all authors turned in their manuscripts prior to the end of the Institute and all prior to September 30, 1965. It was clearly recognized that rapid publication was essential in this rapidly changing research area. Special thanks are due to the Host, Dr. Odd Dahl, Chr. Michelsen Institute, for making all of the arrangements in Bergen, including excellent living and working facilities. Direct financial support was provided the Institute by: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Air Force Cam bridge Research Laboratories, Army Research Office, Defence Atomic Support Agency, and the Office of Naval Research.
Parallel Title
Proceedings of the Advanced Study Institute, held at the Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway, August 16-September 3, 1965