The Ethic Dative in German.- Maximi Planudis in Memoriam.- Sets of Implications as the Interpretative Component of a Grammar.- Generative Grammar and European Linguistics.- UEber den Begriff und die Begrundung einer allgemeinen Sprachlehre. Einige Bemerkungen zum III. Abschnitt von J. S. Vaters Versuch einer allgemeinen Sprachlehre (1801).- Some Underlying Structures in Swahili.- Two Cases of Exceptional Rule Ordering.- 'Noch' and 'Schon' and their Presuppositions.- French peu and un peu. A Semantic Study.- On Grammatical Reference.- On Presuppositions.- Reduction in Dutch Measure Phrase Sentences.- UEber einige Schwierigkeiten beim postulieren einer 'Textgrammatik'.- On the Possessive Forms of the Hungarian Noun.- A Generative Account of the 'Category of State' in Russian.- On the Semantic Treatment of Predicative Expressions.- Government Structure Types of the Verbs of Saying and Action Situations.- Some Problems Connected with the Translation of Relative Clauses into Predicate Calculus.- How to Deal with Syntactic Irregularities: Conditions on Transformations or Perceptual Strategies?.- Reflexive versus Nonreflexive Pronominalization in Modern Russian and other Slavic Languages. A Conflict Between Domains of Rule Application.- Zum Problem der grammatisch relevanten Identitat.- The Comparative.- Some Semantic Ambiguities Related to 'Tense Category'.- Temporal Prepositions as Quantifiers.- In Search of a Semantic Model of Time and Space.- Vergleichssatze.- Die Flexion der Verben und das Ablautsystem.