Physical Reality and Mathematical Description Dedicated to Josef Maria Jauch on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday.
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Enz, C.P.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Springer Verlag
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
I : Art, History and Philosophy.- Science and Art.- Leonard de Vinci et l'hydrodynamique.- Our knowledge of the external world.- Geometrie and Physik.- Quantum physics and process metaphysics.- What happened to our elementary particles? (Variations on a theme of Jauch).- Partons-elementary constituents of the proton?.- Is the zero-point energy real?.- Reflections on "Fundamentality and complexity".- II : Mathematical Physics.- Weights on spaces.- A second look at the essential selfadjointness of the Schroedinger operators.- Some absolutely continuous operators.- A remark on the Kochen-Specker theorem.- Die Heisenberg-Weyl'schen Vertauschungsrelationen: Zum Beweis des von Neumannschen Satzes.- Real versus complex representations and linear-antilinear commutant.- III: Scattering Theory and Field Theory.- Approche algebrique de la theoree non-relativiste de la diffusion a canaux multiples.- Fourier scattering subspaces.- N-Particle scattering rates.- Cross sections in the quantum theory of scattering.- On long-range potentials.- Phenomenological aspects of localizability.- Charge distributions from relativistic form factors.- Charges and currents in the Thirring model.- The nonlocal nature of electromagnetic interactions.- Le modele des champs de jauge unifies.- Is anti-gravitation possible?.- IV : Quantum Theory and Statistical Mechanics.- On a new definition of quantal states.- The minimal K-flow associated to a quantum diffusion process.- Composite particles in many-body theory.- On the quantum analogue of the Levy distribution.- Existence and bounds for critical energies of the Hartree operator.- Long range ordering in one-component Coulomb systems.- A scale group for Bolt zmann-type equations.- Effect of a non-resonant electromagnetic field on the frequencies of a nuclear magnetic moment system.