A Handbook of International Economic Institutions.
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
Van Meerhaeghe, M.A.G.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Springer Verlag
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Text of Note
1. The United Nations (UN).- A. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).- B. Development assistance.- 1. United National Development Programme (UNDP).- 2. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).- 3. United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).- 2. The specialized agencies.- A. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).- B. The International Labour Organization (ILO).- 3. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS).- 4. Regional integration.- A. Latin America.- 1. Asociacion Latinoamericana de Libre Comercio (ALALC).- 2. Mercado Comun Centroamericana (MCCA).- 3. The Caribbean Community (CARICOM).- 4. The Latin American Economic System (SELA).- B. Asia.- 1. Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD).- 2. Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).- 3. The Bangkok Agreement.- C. Africa and the Middle East.- 1. The West African Economic Community (CEAO).- 2. The Mano River Union.- 3. The Economic Community of the West-African States (ECOWAS).- 4. The Central African Customs and Economic Union (UDEAC).- 5. The Economic Community of the Great Lake Countries (CEPGL).- 6. The Arab Common Market (ACM).- 5. Regional development banks.- A. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).- B. The Asian Development Bank (AsDB).- C. The African Development Bank (AfDB).- 1: World Organizations.- 1. The International Monetary Fund.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Capital.- C. Administration.- 1. The Board of Governors.- 2. The Council.- 3. The Executive Board.- 4. The Managing Director.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Financing of balance-of-payments deficits.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Exchange-rate stability.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Currency convertibility.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- D. Promotion of international cooperation.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- E. Conservation (and increase) of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Appraisal.- Credit granted too easily.- Undue preference to the less-developed countries.- The monetary reserves.- 2. The World Bank Group.- The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.- 1. Objectives.- 2. Organization.- A. Members and capital.- B. Administration.- 3. Functions and operation.- A. Acquisition of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Application of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Utilization of currencies.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- D. Technical assistance.- 1. Coordination of development assistance.- 2. The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).- The International Development Association.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members and capital.- B. Administration.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Acquisition of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Application of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Utilization of currencies.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- The International Finance Corporation.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members and capital.- B. Administration.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Acquisition of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Application of resources.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Utilization of currencies.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Appraisal.- Changing priorities.- The role of private capital.- 3. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Elimination of discrimination.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Stabilization and reduction of import duties.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Elimination of quantitative restrictions.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- D. Combating other forms of protection.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- E. Consultations.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- F. Escape clauses.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- G. Action in favour of the less-developed countries.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Appraisal.- Advantages.- Drawbacks.- Conditions for further progress.- 4. The Commodity Agreements. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).- The Commodity Agreements.- 1. The Wheat Trade Convention.- 2. The International Sugar Agreement.- 3. The International Coffee Agreement.- 4. The International Cocoa Agreement.- 5. The International Tin Agreement.- A. Origins.- B. Objectives.- C. Organization.- 1. Members.- 2. Administration.- D. Functions and operation.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- The new international economic order.- 3. Organization.- 4. Operation.- A. Transfer of technology.- B. Trade in manufactures.- C. Shipping.- D. Commodities.- Appraisal.- 1. The commodity agreements.- Prices.- The method of stabilization.- Beneficiaries.- 2. UNCTAD.- 2. European Organizations.- 5. Benelux.- 1. Origins.- A. Preparatory phase.- B. Pre-union.- C. Economic union.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Administration.- A. Executive institutions.- B. Consultative and arbitration bodies.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Liberalization of goods, services and capital.- 1. Goods.- 2. Services.- 3. Capital.- B. Free movement of persons.- C. Coordination of economic policy.- 1. Abuse of economic power.- 2. Agriculture.- 3. Investment.- 4. Transport.- 5. Monetary policy.- 6. Tax policy.- 7. Social security.- 8. External relations.- D. Escape clauses.- Appraisal.- Advantages.- Drawbacks.- Insufficient coordination of economic policy.- More interest in the EEC.- 6. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.- The Organization for European Economic Cooperation.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. General economic cooperation.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Liberalization of goods, invisible transactions and capital.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 1. The Council.- 2. The Executive Committee.- 3. The Secretariat.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. General economic cooperation.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Liberalization of goods, invisible transactions and capital.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Relations with less-developed countries.- Appraisal.- The Organization for European Economic Cooperation.- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.- 7. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 1. The Council Session.- 2. The Executive Committee.- 3. The Committees.- 4. The Standing Commissions.- 5. The Secretariat.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. General economic cooperation and integration.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- B. Coordination of economic plans.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Joint undertakings.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Appraisal.- 8. The European Communities.- 1. Origins.- A. The European Coal and Steel Community.- B. The European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community.- 2. Objectives.- A. The ECSC.- B. The EEC.- C. Euratom.- 3. Organization.- A. Members.- B. Administration.- 1. The Council.- 2. The European Council.- 3. The Commission.- 4. The European Assembly.- 5. The Court of Justice.- 6. The Economic and Social Committee.- 7. The Consultative Committee (ECSC).- 4. Functions and operation.- A. The creation of a tariff union.- 1. Manufactures other than ECSC products.- 2. ECSC products.- 3. Agricultural products.- B. The creation of an economic and monetary union.- 1. Free movement of persons and services.- 2. Free movement of capital.- 3. Coordination of economic policies.- C. External relations.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- D. Financing of the activities of the European Communities.- 1. The ECSC.- 2. The general budget of the Communities.- 3. The European Investment Bank.- E.
Text of Note
Escape clauses.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- Appraisal.- General economic policy.- Competition policy.- Agricultural policy.- Monetary policy.- The tentacles of the octopus.- The purpose of the Community.- 9. The European Free Trade Association.- 1. Origins.- 2. Objectives.- 3. Organization.- A. The Council.- B. The Committees.- C. The Secretariat.- D. Association with Finland.- 4. Functions and operation.- A. Liberalization of trade.- 1. Scope.- 2. Elimination of customs duties.- 3. Elimination of quantitative restrictions.- 4. Goods from non-EFTA countries.- 5. Administrative and technical barriers to trade.- B. Establishment, liberalization of services and capital.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- C. Approximation of market conditions.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- D. Consultations and complaints procedure.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- E. Escape clauses.- 1. Provisions.- 2. Operation.- F. The EFTA Industrial Development Fund for Portugal.- Appraisal.- Advantages.- Drawbacks.- Conclusion.- Appendix: Member States of International Organizations.- List of Articles.- Index of Authors.- Index of Subjects.