proceedings of the international conference, held at Cannes, France, 27-31 October 1980
First Statement of Responsibility
edited by W. Palz.
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Dordrecht, Holland ; Boston
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
D. Reidel Pub. Co. ; Hingham, MA : Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston Inc.
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xliv, 1132 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Text of Note
At head of title: Commission of the European Communities.
Text of Note
Advanced Systems and Future Applications.- System Design.- An analytical approach of a photovoltaic water pumping system.- Recherche de la puissance optimale delivree par un generateur photovoltaique a l'aide d'un dispositif microprogramme.- Pilot installation for small power photovoltaic systems.- Improvements of efficiency of solar powered pumps.- New type of transformerless high efficiency inverter.- Applications.- Future of photovoltaics for residential applications in France.- Considerations on the feasibility of a 1 mWp central PV plant to be tied to the European electrical network.- Station mixte eolienne photovoltaique pour un village du Senegal.- The ACEC "ESPOIR" and "SPES" systems.- Late News Papers.- Thin-film polycrystalline (CdZn)S/Cu2S solar cells of 10% conversion efficiency.- Recent developments in thermophotovoltaic conversion.- High efficiency silicon solar cells.- List of Participants.- Index of Authors.
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Opening Session.- Introductory speech.- Keynote address: The future of photovoltaics in Europe.- Photovoltaics program overview.- United Nations conference on new and renewable sources of energy.- Session 1, Goals, Markets, Obstacles.- Sunshine project solar photovoltaic program and recent R&D activities in Japan.- The residential use of photovoltaics.- Photovoltaic activities within the United States electric utility industry.- Utility aspects of photovoltaics in Europe.- Environmental, health, and safety aspects of photovoltaics.- Le role de la technologie photovoltaique dans le changement de societe en Europe.- Photovoltaic activities and its applications in China.- U.S. Photovoltaic application experiments and market development.- Session 2. Prospects for Photovoltaics in Developing Countries.- Prospects for photovoltaics in the Arab world.- The prospects for photovoltaics in Mexico.- Evaluation des systemes et equipements photovoltaiques utilises dans les PVD.- UNESCO's involvement in furthering photovoltaics in developing countries.- The use of photovoltaic pumps for small-scale irrigation in the developing world: a progress report on the UNDP/World Bank project.- An American view of photovoltaics in developing countries.- L'experience francaise en matiere d'utilisation des photopiles dans les pays en voie de developpement.- Design, installation and first evaluation of a photovoltaic power plant system for the Indonesian village of Picon in West Java.- Session 3. Strategies for Cost Reduction.- Role des gouvernements et developpement du marche photovoltai-que: le cas de la France.- U.S. Department of energy collector cost reduction program.- The solar material market - Projections, needs & commitments.- A French industrialist's view of strategy for cost reduction.- Industrialization of photovoltaics.- Research on photovoltaic conversion, a guarantee of efficiency for the European solar energy program.- Research options as seen from USA.- Photovoltaic R&D program overview.- Module and solar cell values as function of efficiency.- Monocrystalline silicon sheet production for solar cells by advanced ingot technology.- Czochralski-Silicon solar cell modules: present costs and future prospects.- Session 4. Silicon and Module Developments.- A U.S. view of silicon production processes.- Progress toward goals in silicon sheet development.- The Wacker approach to low-cost silicon material technology.- Ribbons and sheets as an alternative to ingots in solar cell technology.- Directional solidification of MG silicon by heat exchanger method (HEM) for photovoltaic applications.- Advances in silicon solar cell processing.- Comparison of solar cells from nonsingle and single crystalline silicon in a pilot production line.- The annealing of ion-implanted silicon solar cells.- Low-cost solar array project progress and plans.- Photovoltaic testing in the European Communities.- Session 5. Alternative Solar Cells.- The status of amorphous silicon solar cells.- The development of amorphous silicon solar cells.- Development of amorphous Si solar cells in Japan.- Post-hydrogenation of CVD amporphous silicon: a promising preparation process for solar cells.- Properties of fluorinated amorphous silicon solar cells.- Sprayed cadmium sulphide solar cells.- CU2S-CdS sprayed solar cells.- Evaporated Cds-CuXS solar cells.- The need for photovoltaic unit operations experimentation.- MIS and SIS Silicon solar cells: a review.- Session 6. Concentration Devices and Systems.- Operational, reliability, and maintenance experience with photovoltaic concentrator arrays.- Photovoltaic concentrator power station for a village in Saudi Arabia.- Sun tracking controller for multi-kW photovoltaic concentrator system.- Le programme SOPHOCLE.- Parabolic trough concentrators.- New concepts for static concentration of direct and diffuse radiation.- Advanced concepts for photovoltaic concentration.- Growth and characterization of cascade solar cells.- On the conversion of solar radiation with fluorescent planar concentrators (FPCs).- Measurement of the spectral response of silicon solar cells under highly illuminated conditions.- Session 7. Current Applications and Test Experience.- Les applications de l'energie solaire dans les telecommunications.- Experience acquired in the field of low power photovoltaic application to educational television.- The application of photovoltaics to water pumping and irrigation in Africa.- Energie solaire et agriculture.- Optimization of solar pump system without electrical storage.- Cathodic protection of pipelines by photocells.- Photovoltaic systems for cooling applications.- Nouveau systeme de stockage et de refroidissement primaire du poisson dans les villages de pecheurs isoles, grace a l'energie solaire.- Current photovoltaics applications - Transport.- Experimental study of disequilibriums in photovoltaic solar arrays.- Effect of partial shadowing on solar panels - Hot spot or breakdown?.- Session 8. Advanced Systems and Future Applications.- Survey of residential and intermediate photovoltaic applications.- Analysis of a 60 kW photovoltaic power plant after the first year of operation.- Photovoltaic pilot projects in the European Community.- Photovoltaics in the context of off-grid small power systems.- A 50 kW photovoltaic power plant coupled to the 15000 V electricity grid.- Hardware simulation of a scaled down photovoltaic power system.- Group P1. Goals, Markets, Obstacles.- Status of the German terrestrial photovoltaic activites.- Group P2. Prospects for Photovoltaics in Developing Countries.- An appraisal of stand-alone photovoltaic systems for rural applications.- Group P4.
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Silicon and Module Development.- Silicon Material.- Current status of solar cell performances of unconventional silicon sheets.- Multiple EFG silicon ribbon technology as the basis for manufacturing low-cost terrestrial solar cells.- Progress in the growth and performance of RAD silicon sheets.- Characterization of RAD polysilicon sheets using the SEM in the EBIC mode and the photoelectrochemical cell.- Evaluation of silicon-on-ceramic material for low-cost solar cells.- Epitaxial growth of silicon by CVD in a hot-wall furnace.- Applicability of vaccum deposited silicon layers for solar cells.- Characterization of plasma-sprayed silicon layers as possible base material for solar cell fabrication.- Silicon bicrystal: growth and characterization.- Behaviour of multicrystalline silicon.- Study of the elaboration of semicrystalline silicon ingots.- New wire silicon slicing technology for solar cell.- Cell Processing.- Development of large area, low-cost, solar cell processing sequence.- Development of low cost polycrystalline silicon solar cells for terrestrial applications.- Passivation of grain boundaries in polycrystalline solar cells.- Optimized diffusion parameters for cells made by columnar silicon.- Direct coupled microwave thermal processing for photovoltaic device fabrication.- Doping of silicon by laser-induced diffusion.- Solar cells realized by laser induced diffusion of dopants deposited on silicon surface.- Effects of special processing on diffusion lengths in polycrystalline silicon solar cells.- Scanning spectral response measurements of large grain polysilicon solar cells for process optimization.- An experimental study of Al-alloyed pp+ junctions for BSF solar cells.- The influence of surface conditions on the open circuit voltage of silicon solar cells.- Electrical properties of grain boundaries in nonsingle crystalline silicon solar cells.- Screenable all-metal solar cell electrodes of nickel and copper.- Reliable screen-printed contacts on silicon solar cells.- Silicon solar cells with nickel/solder metallization.- Status, technology and development of silicon solar cells at INER.- Ion Implantation.- A simplified ion implantation system for solar cell production.- Laser processing for high efficiency solar cells.- Application of laser annealing to solar cell junction formation.- Laser-annealed silicon solar cells: a comparison between ion-beam and glow discharge implantation.- The effects of laser and electron beam annealing on ion implanted silicon solar cells.- Modules.- Comparative study of the thermal characteristics of various solar cell module structures.- Testing.- Terrestrial photovoltaic performance reference conditions.- Current United States activities in photovoltaics consensus standards.- Methodology for a reliability study on photovoltaic modules.- Optical measurement of cell temperature in a solar array.- Natural sunlight accelerated weathering of photovoltaic modules.- Late news poster: The procedure to generate secondary standard solar cells with semi-absolute spectral response.- Group P 5. Alternative Solar Cells.- Cadmium Sulphide.- Surface properties of Cu2-xS and its influence on the performance of frontwall Cu2-xS-CdS thin film solar cells.- An EBIC study of the CdS-Cu2S photovoltaic cell.- Transparent, conductive layers of sprayed indium tin oxide in backwall Cu2S-CdS cells.- Influence of the carrier concentration of CdS on the properties of dry process Cu2S-CdS solar cell.- CdZnS-Cu2S thin film solar cells.- Cu2S/Znx Cd1-xS heterojunction solar cells formed on sprayed ZnxCd1-xS films.- Heterojunction energy band lineups in Cd1-xZnxS/Cu2S solar cells.- Integrated Cu S-CdS thin film solar cell panels with higher output voltages.- Amorphous Silicon.- Analysis of parameters limiting the conversion efficiency of a-Si:H photovoltaic cells.- Hydrogenated a-Si multi-junction solar cells and interference effects in the spectral response.- Hydrogenated amorphous silicon Schottky barriers diodes.- Further optimization of amorphous hydrogenated silicon films for solar cells by the use of r.f. bias-sputtering.- Control of properties of amorphous silicon films by defined variation of plasma parameters.- Electrical properties of hydrogenated amorphous Si1-xGex alloys.- Amorphous Si{1-x} Ge{nx} for high performance solar cell.- Late news poster: Infrared absorption in magnetron sputtered a-Si:H films: Experiments using shields to resolve Si:Hx formation mechanisms.- Mis.- Can recombination via interfacial states in MIS solar cells be of advantage?.- Properties of semitransparent films of low work function metals for MIS solar cells.- Efficient solar cells on polycrystalline and highly defected substrates using ion sputtered indium tin oxide.- Tin oxide - silicon dioxide - silicon MIS solar cells.- Application of amorphous silicon nitride for MIS/inversion layer solar cells.- Properties of CdSe-MIS solar cells.- Other Alternatives.- Evaluation of electrodeposited cadmium telluride solar cells.- Theoretical and experimental study of quantum and energy conversion efficiency in CdTe p-n junctions.- Solar cells based on indium phosphide.- n ITO spray / p InP solar cells.- Copper indium diselenide for CdS: CuInSe2 solar cells.- Indium selenide solar cells.- Characterization of n-CdS/p-Si heterojunction solar cells.- Performance of ultra high efficiency thin germanium p-n junction solar cells intended for solar thermophotovoltaic application.- Fundamental Studies.- Thermodynamic limitations of direct solar energy conversion.- Thermodynamical limits to photovoltaic solar energy conversion efficiency.- Theoretical and experimental analysis of solar cell open circuit voltage decay. Emitter, base lifetime and gap narrowing measurements.- Quantitative model of influence of grain boundaries on the junctions space charge.- Computer-aided analysis of the short circuit current of MIS solar cells. Application for the determination of minority carrier diffusion lengths for conventional solar cells from spectral response measurements.- Non-ideal current-voltage characteristics.- New organic material for electronic device improvement.- Group P 6. Concentration Devices and Systems.- Solar Cells for Concentration.- Low resistance solar cells for the first Spanish concentrating photovoltaic array.- Temperature effects in silicon concentration solar cells.- High efficiency large area AlGaAs/GaAs concentrator solar cells.- Concentrators.- Study and tests of a hybrid photovoltaic/thermal concentrating collector.- Optical characteristics of the dispersion concentrator and its influence on photovoltaic systems.- High efficiency GaAs photovoltaic solar systems.- Concentrator Modules and Systems.- Automated concentrator cell module assembly.- Construction and testing of experimental plants using solar cells and concentrators.- Performances of photovoltaic concentration module consisting of silicon solar cells with a facet cylindrical mirror "coss".- Multibandgap cells in a thermophotovoltaic system.- Description of a concentrating photovoltaic energy system for Wilcox Memorial Hospital on Kauai.- Group P 7. Current Applications and Test Experience.- Centres de reception communautaire de television alimentes par generateurs solaires au Niger. Reemetteurs de television alimentes par les energies nouvelles en France.- Solar cell/battery plants for telecommunication systems in Denmark-Development of a test facility.- The 5 kW generator at the Alpine refuge "Les Evettes" -operating data.- Optimization of the P.V. array-load energy transfer by means of an electronic adaptator.- Photovoltaic power generation system interconnected with mains.- Power conditioning unit for photovoltaic power systems.- Group P 8.