I. Echocardiology in Adults --; A. General Applications --; 1. Echocardiography as the diagnostic investigation before cardiac surgery --; 2. Intraoperative applications of two-dimensional and contrast two-dimensional echocardiography for evaluation of congenital, acquired and coronary heart disease in open-chested humans during cardiac surgery --; 3. Long-term control of left ventricular function after aortocoronary bypass surgery by two-dimensional echocardiography --; 4. Evaluation of the St. Jude Medical valve prosthesis in the mitral position --; 5. Echocardiography of the aortic valve --; 6. Two-dimensional suprasternal echocardiography in diseases of the thoracic aorta --; 7. Visualization of the coronary arteries by two-dimensional echocardiography --; 8. Two-dimensional echocardiography and Indium-111 platelet scintigraphy in the diagnosis of left ventricular thrombi --; competitive or complementary --; B. Applications in Left Ventricular Function Analysis --; 9. Quantitative two-dimensional echocardiography in coronary artery disease --; 10. Early detection of acute myocardial ischaemia and infarction by cross-sectional echocardiography --; 11. Dynamic exercise cross-sectional echocardiography: comparison with coronary arteriography and radionuclide angiography --; 12. Comparison of regional wall motion determined by two-dimensional echocardiography, radionuclide angiography and left ventriculography --; 13. Detection of transient myocardial ischemia by M-mode echocardiography in man --; 14. Echocardiographic differential diagnosis of congestive cardiomyopathy and advanced coronary heart disease --; 15. Does echocardiography aid in the management of acute myocardial infarction? --; 16. Quantification from two-dimensional echocardiographic images --; 17. Quantitative analysis of the adult left heart by echocardiography --; 18. Determination of ventricular volume from apical orthogonal two-dimensional echocardiograms --; 19. Echocardiographic changes during a one-year exercise program in previously sedentary normal middle-aged men --; 20. Prediction of coronary artery disease in hypertension --; 21. Left ventricular hypertrophy in patients on chronic hemodialysis --; 22. Determination of quantitative left ventricular function by M-mode echocardiography together with other noninvasive parameters --; 23. Mean velocity of fiber shortening as linear function of heart rate and wall stress: noninvasive measurements --; 24. The evaluation of left ventricular performance by simultaneous recording of two-dimensional echocardiogram and left ventricular pressure --; C. Applications of Contrast Echocardiology and Doppler Echocardiology --; 25. Structure identification by contrast echocardiography --; 26. Contrast echocardiography of the left ventricle --; 27. Contrast echocardiography in valvular regurgitation --; 28. Determination of cardiac output by two-dimensional contrast echocardiography --; 29. Analysis of right heart blood flow from contrast patterns on the echocardiogram --; 30. Comparison of microbubble detection by M-mode echocardiography and two-dimensional echo / Doppler techniques --; 31. Pulsed-Doppler systems and cardiovascular disease --; 32. Doppler echocardiography and valvular regurgitation, with special emphasis on mitral insufficiency : advantages of two-dimensional echocardiography with real-time spectral analysis --; 33. Combined pulsed-Doppler echocardiography for the investigation of valvular heart diseases: one-dimensional versus two-dimensional approach --; 34. Diagnosis and assessment of tricuspid regurgitation with Doppler ultrasound --; II. Pediatric Echocardiology --; A. General Applications --; 35. Segmental analysis of congenital heart disease. A correlation between pathology and echocardiography --; 36. Erroneous interpretation of echocardiograms in congenital cardiac abnormalities consequent to anatomic variability --; 37. Quantitative assessment of congenital heart disease by two-dimensional echocardiography --; 38. The spectrum of atrioventricular valve atresia: A two-dimensional echocardiographic/pathological correlation --; 39. The detection and assessment of straddling and overriding atrioventricular valves by two-dimensional echocardiography --; 40. Two-dimensional echocardiography for pre- and post-surgical evaluation of atrioventricular canal malformations --; B. Applications of Contrast Echocardiology and Doppler Echocardiology --; 41. Contrast M-mode echocardiography, the suprasternal notch approach --; 42. Evaluation of right-to-left intracardiac shunting in newborns by contrast echocardiography --; 43. Contrast echocardiography in univentricular hearts --; 44. A twenty-month experience comparing conventional pulsed-Doppler echocardiography and color-coded digital multigate Doppler, for detection of atrioventricular valve regurgitation, and its severity --; 45. A combined Doppler echocardiographic investigation in premature infants with and without respiratory distress syndrome --; 46. Fetal cardiac activity --; 47. Fetal obstruction of the foramen ovale detected by two-dimensional Doppler echocardiography --; III. Technological Aspects of Echocardiology --; 48. M-mode scanning with automatic gain control --; 49. Pulsed-Doppler with real-time Fourier transform --; 50. Three-dimensional imaging and volume determination using a series of two-dimensional ultrasonic scans --; 51. Present status of tissue identification --; 52. Precision microbubbles for right side intracardiac pressure and flow measurements.
Text of Note
This symposium is the fourth of a series of scientific meetings in the field of echocardiology, held at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam.* The series was initiated by Klaas Born, who organized the first two meetings, and was continued by Charles Lancee. These previous symposia met with great success. These proceedings comprise most of the invited lectures and free commu nications which had their' live performance' during the 4th Symposium on Echocardiology. We decided, again, to maintain one ofthe most striking features of the last meetings: having the proceedings available at the time of the meeting. As a consequence, the authors-to-be were confronted with a very tight schedule. The editing time was also limited and therefore neither terminology nor units have been completely standardized. However, as a result, these proceedings do reflect the 'state of the art' in echocardiology. This is not a textbook on echocardiology, but cardiologists and techni cians, with experience in the field of echocardiology, will certainly appreciate the educational features of this book. This symposium was organized in association with Interuniversity Institute of Cardiology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Dutch Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Dutch Heart Foundation, The Hague, the Netherlands European Society of Cardiology Financial support was given by Interuniversity Institute of Cardiology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands University-fund Rotterdam Foundation, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Dutch Heart Foundation, The Hague, the Netherlands.